Hi everyone. I'm a newly diagnosed crohn's patient (June 2016). So far after my diagnosis, i was put on 2 months of prednisone which ended at the end of august. At the beginning of September I started on 150 mg/day of azathioprine. about 2 weeks into it, I got sick with a cold. ever since then I have been feeling nausea on and off, and have had a love-hate relationship with food. Most food turns me off and I am unable to eat it, even the things I normally love. so far the only things that i am able to reliably eat are bread, crackers, potatoes and vegetable broth. Anytime I try to eat anything else, I may only have a few bites, or at most about half of the serving I can normally have. I haven't been having any of the symptoms I was experiencing during my flare-up, such as diarrhea. The other symptoms I am feeling, however, are headache, dizziness, dehydration, and fatigue. also, I got a call from my doctor about my most recent bloodwork which was done while I was sick in September (I have to go in monthly with the azathioprine, and am planning to go again this week). the bloodwork indicated that my inflammation was still very high.
Does anyone have any suggestions or any similar experiences?
Does anyone have any suggestions or any similar experiences?