Crohns Newbie

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Jan 21, 2012
Hello all, new to the forum, been reading for quite some time so I thought id finally pop in and say hi.

I was diagnosed with Crohns officially in December 2011 after quite a quick flare up of symptoms.

In July 2011 I got a painful swelling on my buttock (right next to anus), hurt to walk and hurt to sit. Visited GP on the monday and she initially thought it was piles and sent me home with some cream to apply. it gradually got worse and on the wednesday I went to A&E, again they had a look and said it was piles or maybe a small internal tear. I stuck with the cream and spent the rest of the week laid on my sofa. On the saturday I was very poorly, high fever, shaking and was admitted to look and they diagnosed (you probably all guessed by now) perianal abscess - and a pretty big one at that, 10cm across surgeon informed me. Got emergency surgery, wound packed and I spent the next two months getting daily wound packing and dressings.

After that first hospital visit I started to get symptoms, very poorly tummy/cramps, urgent diarrhoea, weightloss. My wound finally healed, but then (sods law) I developed another small abscess and fistula which they caught very early and I had surgery again.

The district nurses were very amused when I phoned then up three days after they discharged me to say 'Hello, its that girl who's bum you clearly love to look at....I need you to start coming to see me again'

I had my colonoscopy and they found I have a lovely ulcerated bowel (I say lovely because I watched on the screen and my ulcers had a nice polka dot pattern to them - typical of me to make sure that even my illness is 'on trend and fashionable').

So right now Im on Prednisolone, side effects not too bad and I'm coping well - still losing weight, but its definitely slowed down. Still get cramps and pain, but a lot less severe. I'm starting to reduce Prednisolone now and should be finished by end of march. Then Dr wants me on the azathioprine which I'm a bit worried about looking at the side effects.

My work have been absolutely amazing and understanding - especially when I got a new role in the organisation and then 3 days later I ended up being on the sick for a month following my surgery. But they keep me laughing and in good spirits with constant innane questions and statements like "hows your bum?" and "If your on steroids does that mean you dont have to shave your legs? I mean, you can say hairy legs are a side effect!". They have kept me sane and laughing, which is what Ive really needed when I've turned up at work exhausted and looking like Ive been dragged though a hedge backwards :)

So that's all about really appreciate any advice on what to expect as I start the azathioprine as the new meds will coincide with the launch of a new project at work and it would probably help if I'm prepared for any side effects I might get during that very stressy time.
Ooooh, a fashionable polka dot bowel!!! :ybiggrin: Absolutely fabulous darling, so bang on trend for Spring!!!

Well, welcome to our little club. The pred is to reduce your immune system obviously and the Aza will work in concert with that and take over hopefully to keep you off the pred. We have lotsa subforums as you might know that are specific to these drugs and side effects and success stories!

Thank you for coming in and saying hi...we dont bite by the way! Here's hoping all these things can help to rid you of polka dots!!!! (dont mind my polka dot glass)
Hello and welcome :bigwave: Really pleased that you have decided to join us. It looks like you are where I am treatment wise, one thing though is that until the Aza really kicks in you may not be able to taper of the Pred for a while (I have recently had a winge about having to put the dose back up). Personally last time and this time I didn't really get side effects, you may find your hair gets a little thinner and I find I bruise really easy, everyone is different but hopefully you will not have any problems. Otherwise you just have to make sure that if you start feeling unwell at all you report this to your GP/IBD nurse straight away, have you had your 'councelling' on this yet? The only thing that may affect work is sorting out the weekly blood tests for the first 8 weeks. It's good you are getting support at work, that is one less thing to stress about :) I hope the Aza does the trick, let us know how you get on.
angrybird - Im reducing the pred now going down 5mg a week (currently on 35mg) and doc wants me to start the azathioprine in about 4 weeks. Got a date now for my MRI, I think this is to have a look at my small intestine? Im surpirsed at how quick everything is happening, whenever Ive had hospital appts or needed treatment for something unrelated in the past ive waited months. They seem really on the ball, so I have nothing but praise for the docs/surgeons/nurses and everyone in between. Its made a difficult 6 months so much easier :)

counselling? haven't been offered any as of yet. However counselling is part of what I do for a living so I could hopefully just do it in the mirror :) save a place on the waiting list for someone else who needs it more
good stuff! ;)
i work for private health insurance (boo-hiss) and i know that the nhs usually do tests for gastro/bowel problems within 6wks. im not sure why though...
By councelling this is where they discuss all the pro's and con's of the Aza, all the do's and don't and all the risks associated with it. The also go through all the times scales of the many blood tests you will need to have and when/if you are to increase the dose and how much by. Perhaps they will go through all this closer to your start date. I am pleased the docs are getting sorted for you quickly, that takes a little of the stress away I think. When is the MRI booked for? I would say it is so they can check your small intestine as they can't really get to is/far into it by colonoscopy.
In just awaiting the date...doc said he would see me again in 4 weeks, and I would get my mri appt in post so I imagine it will be around the same time.
champagne charlie

I am on Aza and Remicade since Summer 2010. Absolutely no side effects as of yet and loving life.
The success stories of the meds far outweigh the unsuccessful ones as most success stories are not posted.
Keep the spirits high!!
Hi! Your story sounds so close to mine except they didn't find anything on my colonoscopy (or any other test for that matter!) it's not that I want to have crohns, I just want to know what's wrong with me! I'm sure you know what I mean...

Anyway, I hope you are feeling better and the meds are helping!
Hi Kimphooey, Its horrible not knowing whats wrong. Keep track of your symptoms, best thing I ever did was starting to keep a daily diary - meds taken, food eate, bovel movements and side effects. Helped me to figure out when are my good times and bad times of day, what foods trigger (none so far!)

Unfortunately Ive been put on the aza, as predicted in time for my launch of new project at work....and as predicted Im on the sick. Medication knocked me for six....not responding too great :( but trying to keep my spirits up and hopefully getting back to work on friday.
I'm sorry you're having trouble with the azathioprine so far :( It seems many have trouble with it when first starting out. What dose are you on? Did they give you a TPMT test first? Do they have you scheduled for regular blood tests?

I hope things get better soon!
HI , i am not going to say anything as every one else has done all the surgestions, what i will say is reading your post put a huge smile on my face, its nice to have a good layed back attitude with CD .

best wishes ..
david: this aza is not being a friend to me....but Im hopefull that I will see some improvement in my symptoms and the side effects will wear off. Im not scheduled for regular blood tests - was just told to go and get them done if I felt unwell. luckily Ive had them done weekly as Ive felt ill weekly :) TPMT Test? no idea what that is so I doubt Ive had it

Nevilletanner: Oh I have my glum days, but being down in the dumps only makes me more miserable. Just get on with it and amuse myself by constructing a 'leaning tower of Prednisolone' tablets every morning.
The TPMT test checks to see if you are likely to have severe side effects or if you need a lower dose of thiopurines (which Azathioprine is). I get the feeling it's not done very often in the UK whereas it is recommended over here. Have those weekly blood tests been normal?
my last full blood count was normal but I had increased white blood cells...Ill be getting another full blood test at my medication review appointment next week
Sounds good. If the AZA was causing big problems your red, white, and platelet counts would drop. I'm glad you're staying on top of things and getting the regular checkups. Good for you :)
Nevilletanner: Oh I have my glum days, but being down in the dumps only makes me more miserable. Just get on with it and amuse myself by constructing a 'leaning tower of Prednisolone' tablets every morning.

Nice !! i have a few hundred to try that with, might even get the ASACOL out and see if i can make them into dominoe`s
best frame of mind to be in - :)
Hiya, what problems have you been having with the Aza? I have recently started again and have had a few aches and pains. My bloods had also recently been doing iffy things with high WBC, neutrophil and lymphocyte counts, I have finally put it down to the pred though as I am now down to 5mg (wahoo!) and all the counts have gone back to normal.......
Hiya, what problems have you been having with the Aza? I have recently started again and have had a few aches and pains. My bloods had also recently been doing iffy things with high WBC, neutrophil and lymphocyte counts, I have finally put it down to the pred though as I am now down to 5mg (wahoo!) and all the counts have gone back to normal.......

what problems havent I been having with the aza :) mainly the tiredness, feeling sore and that my body has no physical energy. Then the odd side effects that come and go: unusual rash, very spotty/scabby on scalp (under hair), dizzyness. Im just waiting for it to settle down so they can get on with making me feel better!
I have had the same issues apart from the rash and only had very occasional dizzyness. I do believe it will all settle down as at the moment every week I am changing a med dose so there is a lot of 'stuff' going on for my body to adjust to. Also my nurse pointed out that I was very poorly on my recent flare up so while the bowel is settled the rest of me is still trying to catch up :) I will keep my fingers crossed that you can soon feel better hun :hug: