Crohn's of the esophagus (spelling?)

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Jun 12, 2010
crohn's of the esophagus (spelling?)

Does anyone have crohn's in their esophagus? I don't have it that I know of, but I have so much indegestion, nausea, and some reflux. I was just curious how many of you have or know someone who has this. What are the symptoms?
Actually from what I have read for many what you are describing is the first noticeable signs of upper GI issues and may or may not be Crohn's. However whatever it is it can and will cause permanent damage if left unchecked. You should go to your doctor ASAP!!!
Crohns can affect you from your mouth to your anus. There are more common areas such as the terminal ileum but that doesn't mean it only affects that area. Many crohns patients also have problems with acid reflux and heartburn etc. Its actually quite common. If you're concerned, then contacting your GI would be a good idea and maybe they can do an upper GI barium follow through or scope to check and see what's really going on. If certain medications like Pepcid and the like don't work for you then further tests are a good idea.
It's a very good idea to get it checked out. It could be a reflux disease like GORD. You do not want the bile or acid to damage your pipes so best to get it looked at and looked after
Hi Lucy, Going through it myself right now. I read how damaging it could be. I thought I had Flu had sore throat for 4 weeks. Developed cough that I always called, and was treated for Bronchitis. Now find out I have COPD 79% function. I've started on 40mg Nexium my throat much better.I still have head congestion ears and the cough and had chest pain I thought was a heart attack. I can feel I'm on the right track now. Don't play around with it. I had minor heart burn for years and drop a Zantac now and then. Never related my cough to it.
Cheryl I'm glad your doing better. I had a upper GI and it came back normal, so I guess I'm ok for now. Hope it stays that way. Sorry to hear about COPD tho. At least now you have some relief with the meds.
I have issues with reflux which can be a bother when it gives me ulcers in my throat, it makes things hard to swallow and thus I'm pretty much on a cold diet for a bit. I don't know if a PPI would help or not, best to just ask your doctor. I'm getting a scope in one week above and below so hopefully I'll be in good shape like yourself!
Mine showed crohn's in the colon for the first time. I had it a couple of weeks ago. Just a small amount for now. Good luck with yours.
I have a Hiatus Hernia and I contribute that to Prednisone on and off. My sister has Gerd so the innards run in the family tree. I use Nexium but like pred it is a bone eater, so I only use it when I need to. Friggen painful when if flares. Smaller meals and no spices for me. There is an exercise to keep HH down too. So far that hasnt been bugging me though...better not jinx myself....
crohns of the esophagus

I have just had confirmation that i have crohns of the esophagus. I was diagnosed with a moderate case of crohns of the large intestine in 2003 and have been generally well taking Salofalk with the occasional flare up.
After a recent flare up (my worst in years) I started to suffer from reflux symptoms which gradually became worse. My G P prescribed Nexium but after a week of taking it I was no better. My symptoms became so bad I ended up in the ER which led to a hospital stay and gastroscopy. Biopsys taken during the procedure confirmed it was crohns.

Crohns of the esophagus is very rare and believe me when I say you will know if you have it. My symptoms started as very similar to reflux but became increasingly worse. It got to the point I could not even sip water. It was extremely painful. I felt like food and water were getting stuck and then burning up. The burning feeling could last for an hour. I also suffered severe nausea and vomitting that could not even be controlled when I was in hospital. It has taken 4 weeks to get under control and even longer to eat and drink relatively normally.

Where to from here? I dont know yet but I am now in fear that this will return every time I have a flare up.

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