Crohns or morning sickness

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Sep 6, 2013
Found out I had crohns the same day I found out I was pregnant. Gi dr started me on pentasa. For the past week ive had horrendous epigastric pain and a lot of nausea/vomiting. Im wondering if thjs is from my Crohns or just all day morning sickness. My gi dr wont put me on any other meds until 2nd trimester. Help
Could be both. I know that when I was first diagnosed and just started taking meds I was so sick to my stomach that I too was vomiting. I was first given sulfasalazine at the time. Took awhile for my stomach to accept taking medication regularily. Hope yours starts calming down soon. :hug:
I can't remember where I read this...but i think it was on here...that being pregnant can put crohns in remission. Hopefully that is true and you are just having morning sickness

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