Crohn's put me on the sideline once again!!!

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Aug 29, 2013
My family and I all ame to the county fairer were all having a blast until I forgot I had Crohn's ate a funnel cake and a Philly cheese steak delicious but bad idea!!!!! So now I'm walking away from everybody with gas coming out of both ends and eye balling the toilets!!! Lol gotta love the chronie life!!!
Sorry about this. :( Always does stink (litterally) when you happen to eat or drink the wrong thing and then suffer afterwards. Hope you'll be "back to yourself" soon. Take care. :hug:
Whatcha gonna do I'm sure we're all use to it by now I like to letem rip around my wife and wait for her to say something (tmi) it's the little things in life!!!
Bad Boy!!! That's just mean!!! Of course, I've done it in a store before when a customer's been crowding mom & I out of an area. Mom & the customer give each other dirty looks and the customer moves on to somewhere else in the store. My poor mom though. She hasn't understood how bad my stomach's been till something like that's happened!
Lol my wife said she's gonna write a book called "married to a chronie" so she can take her story of dealing with my bowels!!! She's the best!!
I'm sure there's quite a few spouses, friends & family members who would love to add to that story!!! Might actually be a few giggles if she could only get everyone together to help on that one!!!!
Our poor family's go through this with us and I forget that sometimes before I found all u guys she was the only person I had to talk to!!! Poor Jess!!

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