Crummy feeling

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Nov 5, 2009
I'm 1 week post op today. I finally was discharged from the hospital on Wednesday :)

I thought I was feeling pretty good when leaving the hospital, but it turns out, I'm really not feeling great at all. Maybe I just thought I was because I was laying in my hospital bed getting medications all day long!

I feel very dehydrated. Dizzy, nauseous, weak, light headed, when I try to eat, I have the horrible crampy/bloatiness I had before the surgery! I'm still going to the bathroom about 10-20 times a day, no joke. I constantly have a drink I'm sipping on, but not eating too much, just very little bits here and there.

I guess this is all just normal post op recovery??? When I do eat, I keep it down, I don't have the horrible pain and vomiting as before. I just don't have an appetite and cannot get much down.

This stuff is hard!! I keep hoping that in the end this is all going to make me feel 100 times better.
Took me about 3 weeks post-op to feel a bit human! It is a shock getting home and realizing that you are really stuffed from the big surgery, and the whole drama of it all. You do have to continue the hospital routine for a while - plenty of rest and self indulgence, plus gentle walks. The diarrhea is the worst thing.... hope it settles for you.
Keep up the pain meds for a while as they might help slow the D, and help you to pass the time. You will definitely feel better soon (at least you get to see the little squirt, and not have all the interruptions of the hospital!)
All the best and hang in there..
Hi Manzy,

I don't have any experience with surgery but just wanted to say I hope you feel better soon and make sure you rest up! xx
Thank you guys!

The really horrible pain is gone. Doc said it was the anastamosis that was hurting so bad from food and things passing through it. It still hurts, don't get me wrong, but it's way better than it was. I never really noticed my incisions hurting much either until just a couple of days ago. Now they're giving me a bit of pain, but its all tolerable.

The last couple of days I've been having a lot of pain when I have bowel movements. It dawned on me last night that it is probably a hemorrhoid, but then today it broke open or something and had lots of blood and pus coming out of it. I think its an abscess??? Like I need that now. Seriously?

I think I'm just playing the poor me card here, but things can never just be simple with me or easy for me. There's just always something piling up on my ******* plate. I can't wait to just feel good :( I think I deserve it now.

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