D and constipation

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Feb 25, 2010
d and constipation

Hello everyone. I was wondering if anyone had ever had d and constipation together like in a day. I could have both in one day. It started with me maybe the last couple of months.
I have where I am constipated for quite awhile and then once I pass a stool..THEN I have a lot of diarrhoea in the same day..and then I am constipated again for quite a few days ..weeks even (until I pass a stool and then once again, diarrhoea until I am empty)....

There are a lot of days for me in-between being constipated though.... is that what you mean??
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Hi matty,
I think I do have the same as you. Correct me if mistaken. You mean, for example, you have diarrhea in the morning, you have 5 bowel movements and then in the evening, you need to have a bowel movement but you don't pass anything? I think the cause of my problem is that I'm having an overgrowth of bacteria and am still waiting for the results of a stool culture to determine the correct med. Take care!

If you are feeling both constipated and have diarrhea, you may have "overflow diarrhea." That is when some liquid fecal material goes around hardened immovable stool. So you can have multiple loose stools while still being constipated/obstipated. This is usually found on abdominal x-ray. The radiologist will read the film as FOS ("full of ****") even though you've been having diarrhea.

Are you flaring right now? Because a low-residue diet mixed with an inflamed gut is a recipe for constipation leading to "overflow diarrhea." You may want to try some soluble fiber therapy to soften the hardened stool and bulk up the liquid stool. Metamucil, psyllium fiber, is supposed to be non-irritating to the gut.

Dr. S
thanks for replies. So far the last week i've no d, but a bit large formed stool. I use the prep-h., cause i do have hemmi's. I think i'm a bit like keona. I'll have the formed stool come out then d then or awhile later. Then i will have d for a couple days, then back to constipated. I have been using the metamucil. I used to use 1 dose daily before andit worked very good, now i think i have to take 2 doses. I don't think i'm flaring, but have been having other problems that have some of the same symptoms of colitis.

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