Dangerous pregnancy?

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Jul 7, 2010
dangerous pregnancy?

so i was in the ER last night (my acid reflux is acting up and i have bleeding ulcers in my stomach and they were causing the pain) and i was told that 1. i probably couldnt get pregnant and 2. if i did it would be extremely dangerous not only for me but the baby if i was able to carry it. so any string of hope i had was ripped from me last night. and the dr stressed to me that it was very important i take my medication (birth control) and be careful so i dont do something that would cause harm to myself.

anyone else been told this? anyone know why it would be dangerous besides the obvious? just curious. i know there are other options but just wanted to seek opinions.
Dont let them tell you that you cant have a baby. Please talk to your GI and get his opinion. Many women with crohn's go on to have healthy babies, even while flaring. Its harder to get pregnant with active inflammation, but not impossible.
I have two healthy children. I had not been diagnosed but definitely already had it when I was pregnant. It seems strange that they would tell you that just for crohns. Maybe your flare is just so bad that it would be dangerous? Lydia is right it may be best to talk to your regular GI about this.

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