I have a great story about dating and crohns and I am not even diagnosed yet.
This was in 2004, and I was still single at the time (I am now married)
I went out on a blind date, after a work friend set me up with a girl she knew.
We had some lunch at a mexican place, and all was well.
We had some McDonalds a few hours later, some soft serve deserts etc and went for a drive around the city.
The girl actually asked me "want to come back to my place for a coffee?".
I was very happy at the time and thought "oh yes, I AM IN!".
Anyway on her couch, bit of cuddling watching Rage (a music tv program) and I started to get a rumbling belly.
So I go to the bathroom, and I have a "dumb and dumber" moment.
Explosive diahorrea that lasts for 15 minutes. I look around for some air freshener and notice its nearly finished, but enough to purify the room somewhat.
I finally feel better and make my way out of the bathroom.
I sit down, smile it off and again we get to cludding. This time I accidentaly passed some wind which may or may have not had some "follow through".
I excused myself, leaving a small scent of lingering odor.
I again had another massive D, this time lasting well over 30 minutes. I also ran out of toilet paper and could not see any spare rolls.
So I had to ask for a spare roll (I had just gone through ONE entire roll.)
She gave me an extra roll and I finish up.
I try to spray the bathroom, but the air freshener has run out.
I ask for some extra, she said she didnt have any and that it was "okay".
The smell was unbearable and began to fill up her small flat, and she actually pulled out a cigarette and said "I normally do not smoke inside" and I try to be funny and go "Do you think its safe to do that right now?".
She did not smile.
I then had another episode of explosive diahorrea, and this time, while it did not last more than 15 minutes, I actually broke the handle of the bathroom door by turning it a little too hard.
All I remember was feeling the door handle go loose, and the metal handle dropping onto her wooden floor, making a loud clunking sound.
All I could say was "Sorry bout that it just fell off."
She then told me that it was getting late and that maybe she should go to bed and I was soooooo worried that I would have another explosive session while on my way home (I was an hours drive from home) that I asked if I could sleep over.
She gave me a bad look, but then agreed.
The story did not entirely end there.
I was a bit too tall to sleep on her couch, and she felt bad making me sleep on the floor.
So she let me sleep in her bed.
I went for 2 more sessions in the middle of the night...
...lets just say, I thanked her for a lovely date the next morning and never saw her again.
A couple of years later, I took my now wife on a 3 hour trip to a lake, and on the middle of the trip I suddenly had to go to the bathroom.
Lets just say we were in the middle of nowhere.
I held on for 30 minutes when I finally found a small town.
A few houses, small shops etc and a police stattion. Problem was the time, it was 2am. So I went to the police station and asked if I could use the bathroom.
After spending 20 minutes in there, I got interrogated afterwards, even about what I had eaten that day.
Luckily my girlfriend at the time decided I was nice enough to stick with and eventually married me.