Dealing with neurotic family members...

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Jul 18, 2013
I'm on fake-vacation at my parent's house for the next week or so. I haven't seen them since spring, and have lost a lot of weight since the last time they saw me. My mother is trying to get my father to side with her, with the hopes of "forcing" me to go to the emergency room. I understand she's worried, but I'm 31 years old. It's not like she can revoke my adulthood and make me do something I don't believe to be necessary. I tried to explain to her that going to ER will accomplish nothing except putting me into debt, and that I already have my next set of tests scheduled two days after I return home, and that I'm well on my way to receiving treatment again. I just can't reason with her. She's driving me and my father batsh*t. He's concerned too, but he realizes that my brain still works and I'm perfectly capable of doing risk management and advocating for myself. I've almost reached my limit and am about ready to cut this trip short and either go stay with the in-laws, or leave my husband here and drive back home. Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh
So sorry. Family can be the worst. They care too much, they care too little, they think you're faking, they think you're dying. Seriously, why can't anyone just say "how can I help?"! You're right, you're an adult, and she's a neurotic mom who is very afraid (and perhaps like mine has a bit of a control issue). Hang in there. You're not gushing blood, you're breathing, you know your body better than anyone. Tell her you'll go if and when YOU think it's necessary and if she wants to enjoy your company she'll have to be ok with that.
If I thought one of my kids needed to go to the ER and they couldn't afford it, I'd offer to pay if I could or I'd be quiet about it.

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