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Mar 3, 2012
Do many of you with crohns get dehydrated often? I went and spoke to my GP today, after feeling very congested unwell, and he basically always tells me, how I need to be drinking a lot more water through the day.
Iv read so many of you have flu like symptoms, and I know that it's not uncommon with crohns, but I feel so congested some days, that even even researched brain tumor symptoms. Today the GP, told me to just drink lots of water. Sometimes I get fatigued and feel like just laying down, other times just headache.
Do many of you get congestion headaches?
Hi Irene,

I think many with IBD don't hydrate anywhere near enough, especially replacing electrolytes that are lost. Dehydration can indeed lead to headaches and fatigue but so can a whole host of other issues related to IBD. If you have a food journal, you may want to add drinking to that. Keep track of how much you drink and how your headaches and fatigue feel and see if there is a correlation of some sort.
Around 30 years ago I was travelling quite frequently overseas. I would be gone for 3 weeks at a time, fine the night arriving home around 6pm (except get slightly runny nose around 10p) and then wake up with near pneumonia and high temp. Western doc finally suggested I go to Eastern doc, since I was not responding to antibiotics after so long. Eastern doc told me root of allergies is actually bad stomach. I thought she was nuts, until she began treating my stomach and my allergies got better. David is right,,,keep food log and drink log and watch what results. You will be surprised when you really begin reading labels and seeing chemicals and non-nutrients put into foods/drink. good luck!
Thanks David and Mickey.
Though I did begin a symptoms journal, I rarely take note of water, just noticing since beginning 6mp, that if I'm not having enough water, and have D, then I get really congested and candida flares. Not like nehmonia Mickey, but flu symptoms as heximers reaction comes with the candida flaring.
Thanks for the suggestion David, I started some probiotics and I'll try to take note of water consumption too. xoxo
Frequently Dehydrated

Do many of you with crohns get dehydrated often? I went and spoke to my GP today, after feeling very congested unwell, and he basically always tells me, how I need to be drinking a lot more water through the day.
Iv read so many of you have flu like symptoms, and I know that it's not uncommon with crohns, but I feel so congested some days, that even even researched brain tumor symptoms. Today the GP, told me to just drink lots of water. Sometimes I get fatigued and feel like just laying down, other times just headache.
Do many of you get congestion headaches?

I don't get headaches, but it seems like I'm dehydrated at least 2-3 days out of every week.

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