Delaying my shot

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Jan 21, 2010
I've been off work all week with a horrendous heavy cold, sore throat, sinus pain, headache, the works.
My Humira shot is due tomorrow so I spoke to my IBD nurse and he said to delay it for a week. He said to get well fully first.
I didn't question him, I wish I had now, you just don't think at the time!
So, will this be ok to delay and why can't we have the shot when we've got a cold? Will it suppress the immune system even more? Not sure how it all works!
Thanks xx
It may be that with your immune system already suppressed by Humira the current infection could get really out of hand and become disseminated throughout the body.
It could be a precarious situation and one that I would not like to take a chance on.
feel better soon Astra
Hugs and best wishes
Joan...I always delay my shot when I'm sick. I'm sick to right now with the same as you and I was suppose to take my shot last week. Hope you feel better soon :)?
Astra, I have been in your position a few times. I have both taken my injection with a bad cold and delayed as well. No difference. I have delayed for up to four days with no ill effects.

Good Luck
I've been on humira for over 6 months now and delayed it once or twice due to being under the weather when its due.

I was told by my IBD nurse that its fine to delay it till your better and then continue taking it like normal.

Feel better! :)