Dependent on tramadol for pain relief

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Feb 10, 2011
...without pain meds... I was just curious as to how much pain I was actually in...

I just took a tramadol and two tylenols and I'm happy in about 45 minutes...

I won't ever ever ever ever do that again.... relieved but a little sad that I'm dependent.

I think that's something we have all done, well at least I have lol
I really couldn't manage without pain meds an even with the doses I am on now ( codeine 30mg 8 a day an tramadol 50mg 8 a day plus paracetamol an buscopan) I am still crawling the Walls with pain all the time lately !
At least you tried lol
Sucks to be in that much pain!!:(

So you have to take Tramadol around the clock, day in day out? Have you tried to switch up your pain meds at all, maybe take a combination of percs, hydrocodone, tramadol, and other pain relievers? I don't really know too much about tramadol, although I have some in med cabinet. I prefer hydrocodone. I know that I can take up to 10 of the 7.5/325 a day if necessary. But I couldn't keep that pace for long without experiencing withdrawal symtoms.

Maybe your gastro or another doc could help you with pain management if you are super concerned about dependence/addiction.

One thing I do understand completely and clearly is that pain sucks and I don't like being in it! So if I have to take a bunch of pain meds for days in a row, then that's what I do, lol!:)

Good Luck! I really hope that you are able to manage your pain in a way that is satisfactory to you!
I had a rough wean off of prednisone, ended up in adrenal crisis (which isn't really a crisis but it feels like one in lots of ways) and so now I'm back on 10mgs of prednisone per day. I have an upper GI scan scheduled for Thursday and for some reason, they have me off of my multivitamin and Tramadol which I think someone told me, thins the blood a bit... I was curious as to whether I really needed the tramadol (which I know now is just plain stupid) but I'm going to have to just tell my doctor that I needed to take it.. and to try not to poke me too hard with that scope thing... I simply can't make it the three days without the pain meds.

I was perfectly fine taking Tramadol every day along with tylenol, I think it was the realization that I would be taking this pain medication all the time. I went from just taking a multivitamin every day to this terribly terribly flawed body that needs buckets of pills every day. In a way, I think I'm going through the stages of grief and I'm coming out of the denial stage. I'm sort of looking at it like... wow... this is forever... this is going to go on forever and even if I get to remission... it's probably going to come back... and I'll always have to take these meds...

geez.. at this rate, I should start a blog or something... it would be a good outlet for me.
14 hours that is pretty good. I'm not brave enough to get off my pain meds (even though I know they can be bad for you) I like the little spurt of relief. Tramadol however does nothing for me. Percocets are a joke. The only thing I've found to REALLY take the edge off is dilaudid. Its become my bestfriend in my stupid c diff journey. I wish other stuff worked for me. I hope you feel better soon!
I wish my doc would hook me up with some dillies(dilaudid) although I'd rather the IV route. I actually had two 8mg dillies but they didn't seem to help as much when taken orally. But yeah, I love me some IV dillies! It's the best part of my hospital stays. But I guess its like any other pain meds-you take enough and it will work, hahaha. 30mgs of percs and I am fine. The conversion rate puts percs above hydrocodone in terms of strength but, for me, hydros work better. I wish I could say the same about oral dillies, but to be fair, I have only taken 16mgs at once. I probably need to take more.
Hi Maura - I am also managing on a steady stream of Tramadol and Tylenol. I find that if I have a couple of bad days where I take more than usual, I have a good day or two where I don't need to take anything, I guess maybe because it's store up in my system or something.

So I try to keep a steady, smaller stream in my body now. I am down to 3 - 50mg Tramadol a day and 2 Tylenols when I need it to fill in.

The tramadol used to never knock me out, but lately I have been catching a good buzz with them. Not that I am looking for it, because now when I take it I can't function. I used to be able to take it and still drive but not anymore.

- Amy
I can go for a few days without pain meds, but eventually I need to take something at least at night and especially after BM - it hurts comming out! I take half of Vicodin.

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