I had a rough wean off of prednisone, ended up in adrenal crisis (which isn't really a crisis but it feels like one in lots of ways) and so now I'm back on 10mgs of prednisone per day. I have an upper GI scan scheduled for Thursday and for some reason, they have me off of my multivitamin and Tramadol which I think someone told me, thins the blood a bit... I was curious as to whether I really needed the tramadol (which I know now is just plain stupid) but I'm going to have to just tell my doctor that I needed to take it.. and to try not to poke me too hard with that scope thing... I simply can't make it the three days without the pain meds.
I was perfectly fine taking Tramadol every day along with tylenol, I think it was the realization that I would be taking this pain medication all the time. I went from just taking a multivitamin every day to this terribly terribly flawed body that needs buckets of pills every day. In a way, I think I'm going through the stages of grief and I'm coming out of the denial stage. I'm sort of looking at it like... wow... this is forever... this is going to go on forever and even if I get to remission... it's probably going to come back... and I'll always have to take these meds...
geez.. at this rate, I should start a blog or something... it would be a good outlet for me.