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Sep 2, 2010
Ok simple enough title

I think ive just flared for the last week and the pain is now sibsiding, i say think because im not really clear on what a flare is. I get these bouts of pain which last around a week and i get these about one a month or so. My stools are really pretty loose anyway since my resection although theres no blood in stool.

Prior to surgery i never really had any pain or problems, these 'flare' pain are intense, and it feels like ive been stabbed in the side (right side), the pain is a dull ache and it comes and goes in the centre aswell. Im occasionally getting these pinching feeling inside too which really is quite horrible (what is this?), the pain makes it hard to stand up and i get this joint pain? maybe in my right hip. Im fairly slim but i get out of breath when i have these flares, is the bowel swollen and therefore leaving less space for my lungs to operate correctly? or is it something to do with anemia? i take iron supplemnts every day which says 100% rda, surely it cant be that?

Basically does anyone else get this pain? im seeing my doc in next few weeks but wouldnt mind a bit of reassurance.
Well as for me my pain has been pretty much everyday for about four years now although I have had two to three days without pain/ attacks well hubby said there has been a few times that I went five days at a time. Hard to remember. My attacks can happenen even when I don't eat. My pain is mostly on the left side and across the front. very painful and it can go in waves and than the bathroom attacks start and can last up to two hours long but mostly about an hour,while thats going on the back wants to give out and my legs start to go numb not to mention the burning and rawness than the energy leaves the body. and funny thing is im not skinny you would think so . I also get a pinching pain not sure what it is maybe gas pains. but my surgery is this Monday the 7th so I believe I will be pain free finally. Oh yea I also get pain in my flank area and I was just in hosp. last week with an other blockage and I had mager pain in my back lung area and the nurse said something about the swelling was pushing on my origins lungs I guess so maybe thats what your feeling don't know for sure. Hope you get some answers next week . keep us posted.
Thanks for the response pain!

Some of your pain sounds different, i get a lot of back pain too though, and most nights i wake up to use the toilet. I dont think its a stricture because surely the pain would be continuous?

I need to find out, hopefully the MRI scan shows something because its a 9/10 pain, it cant continue, maybe i need to up my meds or maybe im just a freak! :eek2:
Mister Hostpur, your pain sounds just like what mine is during a flare. Dull ache combined with active cramping. The cramping starts on the right side, lower ab, then tends to extend up across my belly button area. It's a very narrow a narrow path of pain. I don't get joint pain always although occasionally get hip pain in my right hip/leg, which I think is a nerve being pressed.

My stomach muscles on that side also feel sore during a flare, as if I've been working them. This could be adhesions though as I've been told I'm full of them. In any case, when things are flaring I walk hunched over and as slowly and SMOOTHLY as possible.

I showed my doc this pain path and he said that's exactly where my disease is.

Maybe your out-of-breath feeling is tension?