Diagnosed in August (2010)

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Oct 11, 2010
Hello Everyone! My name is Jill. I am 23 years old. I was recently diagnosed in August 2010 (just a couple months ago). Already I've been trough a lot of medicine! I am on Asacol (which is working just fine!), Prednisone(working, came off of it, but had to be put back on), 6mp (it was making my hair fall out :( so my doctor took me off of it), and now I am getting ready to be put on Humaira (after I take the "pre" tests before I can start it! Does anyone take Humaira? And does it work?? The doctor also told me that I have about an inch of bad small intestines, and I will need surgery. I am pretty scared and nervous about this.. should I get a second opinion just to make sure? Because surgery is a big deal!! Also, I take Darvocet for the pain I have every morning due to the small intestine stricture(i think the word is).
Does anyone else find all the hospital bills, prescription costs, tests bills, ect... and just taking all this medication stressful?? Will it every get better?? I have no problem dealing with that I have Crohns, that's no problem, it's just expensive, stressful, and surgery really makes me nervous!! I look forward to reading about all of you, and hopefully some of you may have gone through or is going through what I am going through!
Hi Jill and welcome.
It can get better in some ways but it certainly doesn't get any cheaper. I would always get a second opinion before letting someone cut me open. About Humira I havent taken it yet but have heard good things about it. I have tried cimzia and Remicade and my next step is the Humira. Good luck with everything and we all hope that you stay around and keep us all posted.
Hi Jill :welcome: I feel so bad for the US system, hard to believe people go broke over medications. I have been on Humira and worked for awhile but just wasn't enough. We are all different and the severity can be different and therefore meds dont work the same.

Surgery most times in that area is Laproscopic and isnt too bad. But it bought me 10 of pain free living. I would seek a second opinion, just to be sure.

Glad you here, many people here to help you out! Welcome aboard!
Thanks everyone for being so kind! I'm actually excited about join this forum! I've been browsing on it for about a month now, and finally decided to join! I'm just glad that i'm not alone! :)

Yes the US system does suck in the being sick department!! I was kinda thinkin about movin to Canada.. lol jk But it would def be free though!!
Canada is a beautiful country...but our waiting times are atrocious for appts. So sometimes it sucks but we dont pay for hospital bills. Meds are covered because we have top insurance coverage with a great ins company. Having a supportive husband and adult daughter heading in the medical field has been helping me mentally. Physically , no one can help. I have a soon to retire GI and my GP has colon cancer and they are trying to get me to see a new local Gi and surgeon... so far been 2 months and nothing although I see my current Gi Nov. So we all have drawbacks! You lurked for a month? Whew, I couldn't last that long :ylol2:
Hi Jill and :welcome:

So good to see you came out of lurking! :lol:

I don't think it ever hurts to get a second opinion when it comes to something like surgery. My daughter had a resection but she had no choice, however she has had a very good outcome thus far - 4 years of remission.

We have universal health care in Australia so for us bills aren't a problem. I really feel for you guys, you have enough on your plate without that as an added (huge) burden.

Good luck and welcome aboard!

Take care, :)
Hi Jill
and welcome

Come over here, it's defo free! We're not that bad! Land in Heathrow, then get a cab to the nearest hospital's A&E! lol
I think I'd be a tad reluctant to have surgery if my doc told me it was only 'an inch of bad intestines' just wait n see if the meds can calm this current flare down first!
glad you've stopped lurking and joined us, lots of friends here for you
lotsa luv
Joan xxx