Sorry for not getting back to you quickly, I've been very busy with all the appointments, school, sports an other things. Anyways, compared most of the posts I have read on this website, and other stories I have in general, I have a very mild case of crohn's. I have an MRI next Sunday and I have been keeping a diary of what I have been eating, side effects, and bowel movements. Currently I am on prednisone and I have found some improvement with the normalcy of my bowel movements however I am still continuing to have abdominal pain and gas. Regardless I would still love to get some advice about medications. I am finding it difficult to decide which to take,it almost feels like I am picking my own poison. My doctors are favoring Remicade and also suggested 6mp but both present an increased risk of lymphoma. Although the odds maybe be low I still would rather not risk it, and the odds have not really been in my favor lately. One route I have been looking at is enteral nutrition, however my doctors don't seem to in to it. They really seem to favor the Remicade however my other sources have told me Remicade should be my last line of defense. Any advice or knowledge you can give to me about the medication would be great!