Diaper Rash

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Until you find the cause, try some Calmoseptine. It's WONDERFUL!! You may have to request it from the pharmacist and/or you can buy in on Amazon.
Would it be normal for a doctor to order an X-ray if this is happening? He wants to see if he's constipated? I am just so leery of all these drugs and tests and would be thrilled to minimize if possible.
I actually had diaper rash due to some swim trunks I was wearing in the yard in our very humid environment last week that was coupled with friction. It is indeed very painful :( Mine went away on its own after a couple days. Sometimes it can need treatment with anti-fungals. Here's a pretty good article on it that may give you some ideas.

A single x-ray isn't going to be very detrimental. If the doctor wanted to do a CT Scan, that would be something different entirely. But if our roles were reversed I'd probably let them do an X-Ray. I don't know why constipation would lead to a diaper rash but I don't know much about diaper rashes. The article mentions the opposite, diarrhea being a potential causative factor though that's in babies.
I get a sore butt crack from over wiping, mucous and sweat, I guess it is more or less the same as diaper rash. I use wet wipes after going to the toilet, then pat dry (I do this all the time as a preventative measure) and if I'm sore I apply a barrier cream (either zinc based or like Vaseline).

I get relief within a day from doing this (though it takes a little longer to fully heal, I can feel it's working). The one time it didn't, I needed anti fungal cream from the doctor.
Thank you - he felt better the next day after using Aquaphor and we bought some calmoseptine for the next time.