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Mar 18, 2017
What was the longest amount of time that you had diarrhea? It's coming up on 4 months that I had it. Seriously I'm almost getting used to it. Do you always have diarrhea with Crohn's? I guess I'm having a flare up again!!!!!=(
I never had it to speak of. I am more likely to get constipation than diarrhea. I've read some papers that say that ileal Crohn's (which is what I have) is more likely to produce constipation while ileo-colonic or colonic Crohn's are more likely to produce diarrhea.
Yes we let the doctor know. They're going to try to get me to the GI doc sooner. If not then my surgeon will start me on some meds.
I experienced a good 7 to 8 years (~2009 to 2016) of diarrhoea before I was diagnosed. Before that, it was constipation for about 3 years. After reintroducing some solid food a couple of months ago, constipation has came back to haunt me again. I've gotten so used to having diarrhoea that I almost forgot what it feels like to have hard stools :O

I always have diarrhoea when I'm in a flare.

Hope you get back into remission soon! Sending you some virtual hugs (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
Mine is sporadic (1-7 times a week), I usually get it when I have a trigger food or consume unhealthy products like alcohol or cigarettes... I just recently read "The Auto Immune Solution" by MD Amy Meyers and I have been on her recommended diet for about a week now. I have seen some good results! I have reduced the number of bowel movements to 1-4 a day and they're usually formed! The diet requires gluten free, lactose free, legumes free food and really encourages wholesome foods like fruits, vegetables, meats, and fish. Granted these foods cost a little more, and aren't the easiest to prepare but Dr. Meyers describes food as medicine and I think if you have crohn's disease that is a great way to look at food if you're trying to improve your symptoms. I'm scheduled to start taking Humira next week and I cannot wait to hopefully experience positive results from taking Humira and sticking to my new diet! I am sick of being tired and skinny, hopefully I am turning the corner and health gains are in my near future!
Mine is sporadic (1-7 times a week), I usually get it when I have a trigger food or consume unhealthy products like alcohol or cigarettes... I just recently read "The Auto Immune Solution" by MD Amy Meyers and I have been on her recommended diet for about a week now. I have seen some good results! I have reduced the number of bowel movements to 1-4 a day and they're usually formed! The diet requires gluten free, lactose free, legumes free food and really encourages wholesome foods like fruits, vegetables, meats, and fish. Granted these foods cost a little more, and aren't the easiest to prepare but Dr. Meyers describes food as medicine and I think if you have crohn's disease that is a great way to look at food if you're trying to improve your symptoms. I'm scheduled to start taking Humira next week and I cannot wait to hopefully experience positive results from taking Humira and sticking to my new diet! I am sick of being tired and skinny, hopefully I am turning the corner and health gains are in my near future!
Best to you
November 2015 is when my
Movements changed to watery diarrhea. I've gone anywhere from 1-10 watery movements a day since.
I normally tend to lean to constipation as well but the last month and a half I'm all watery diarrhea with no let up In sight. I'm going to the doc Monday but may end up in the ER sooner - tired of the pain, fatigue, and not being able to live normal right now.

I should listen to my wife more but hey, it'll just fo
Fix itself right? 😯
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The explanation I got, for my situation that is, was that my large intestine is where stool gets bulk, and since most of my inflammation is there (and severe) that's where no bulk is occurring because things aren't working right in there. As my inflammation moved towards my rectum- which it did a couple weeks ago-my ability to "hold it in" was affected as well. Thats part of the job of the rectum, to hold it in. I'm on a high dose of prednisone now which seems to have corrected the urgency issues but the watery diarrhea is always present. Drs are saying that meds just don't seem to work for me. :(

Anyway, that's how I see how things work/don't work. It's all science.. you just need to find a dr who can explain it like a clerica agent. Try not to freak out about anything in particular. Drink shitloads of water and have some electrolytes while you seek a dr. I noticed that I would start to get ill from dehydration pretty quickly and easily, but if I just kept at the fluids and electrolytes I stayed relatively healthy. But the dehydration issues can sneak up on you kinda quick. For me it wasn't a matter of going to ER but rather just making sure I got those fluids in me regularly. And consistently because it's easy to let it slide for a bit and fall behind. Then it's a bit if a time chore catching up.

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