Diclofenac Sodium for the pain....?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 6, 2013
I'm undiagnosed.

Another doctors appointment, this time he sat with me for over 30 minutes, poked an prodded and went through every single symptom I've had...

Then said 'it definitely sounds like inflammatory bowel, but your stomach isn't very tender'

Then prescribed me diclofenac sodium for the arm agony... The first thing I read is that this stuff is a very very bad idea should you have IBD.

First doctor that properly listened to everything! Helped me! Has this all been a lie?
He's given me Lanzoprazole at the same time I just realised that's some sort of stomach acid product... is this to counteract the bad effects of the diclofenac sodium? I'm going to pick up the prescription today but I'm really unsure as to whether I should take this stuff :-/
Diclofenac is an non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, which most advice suggests people with IBD should avoid. I would request something else if I were you - there are other alternative IBD-safe painkillers that you could be prescribed instead.

I'm not sure whether Lansoprazole would protect you from the bad effects of Diclofenac or not. I've taken it before but that was for acid reflux. Hopefully someone else will be able to answer that question for you, but personally I wouldn't take the risk with the Diclofenac and would contact the doctor (or his secretary) and explain your concerns, then ask for him to prescribe something else.
Thanks Sarah - unfortunately speaking to my GP is going to be like panning for gold, so I'll probably get the prescription anyway and just take the lansoprazole for the stomach problems... I have been getting a croaky voice on and off (more after I drink something warm) is that a normal acid reflux thing? I've had it before but usually I just notice the pain more than anything else.
You may not have to speak to your GP, that's what they have secretaries for. If you tell them the problem they can speak to your GP on your behalf.

I'm not sure about the croaky voice to be honest, the only symptom I had was a persistent sore throat. I was told I had silent reflux which has a slightly different set of symptoms than the usual type of reflux, but I think hoarseness is one of the symptoms (not sure about the warm drink thing though).
Right have arranged to speak to my GP tomorrow morning supposedly... He's a bit difficult to understand though so here's hoping I get some clarity... If not I'm meant to have an urgent referral within the next fortnight, so here's hoping that comes through quickly enough that I can ignore these meds for now (I say this because my pain is at a distinct low today, I'll regret this if it flares up again) :-/
Good luck! I can empathise with the pain, I was hit by a lorry whilst driving my car a couple of months ago and suffered severe whiplash which I'm still dealing with. The pain can get so bad that at times it makes me feel nauseous. I'm taking Tramadol for it, so that might be an alternative to consider if your pain is quite bad.
Official - doctor is crazy. Just had a conversation with him on the phone where he tries to explain how anti-inflammatories work - I KNOW HOW THEY WORK!!! I also know that if my belly/arm/eye issues are IBD related I SHOULDN'T BE TAKING THEM! Apparently he is writing my referral letter today, am going to ignore the prescription and wait for my supposedly urgent referral to happen.

Currently, I just need to stop panicking about cancer, my arm pain has now extended up into my neck and I'm fed up and terrified. Please let this be okay.
Oh no, sorry the GP wasn't helpful, it sounds like he needs to go back to medical school! Even my occupational health nurse at work knew that I shouldn't take NSAID's with IBD...

I hope your referral comes through quickly, did your doctor give any indication of how long you should expect to have to wait? Pain can be really exhausting, I hope you can hold on.
He said it would be urgent... Then again I saw him on Wednesday and as of today he hasn't written the referral yet, I have blood tests next Tuesday and I should be able to get a copy of my referral letter then (apparently), I've been told it will be an urgent case and I will hear something within two weeks.

I hate to say this in an IBD forum, but my stomach is literally the least of my worries, my arm feels like someone is standing on it, thank you for talking to me while I rant and shout! :)
I haven't tried anything yet because of the NSAIDS thing all I have is ibuprofen gel, the pain comes and goes seemingly whenever, it's been bad the last two days though.
Yeah, no NSAIDs if you have IBD. Never ever. Not even with a PPI (like lanzoprazole) - that protects your stomach lining but not the rest of your body.

I understand that if you haven't been diagnosed, they might not want to sentence you to a lifetime without NSAIDs yet. But if you think you have IBD, and are in the process of getting tests done, I would avoid the NSAIDs, it's not worth it. Unfortunately they're very effective drugs so it sucks not to be able to take them!