Did I cure myself?

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Feb 10, 2012
Hello everyone. According to Wikipedia it's been about 80 years since Crohn's first got it's name from "Burrill Bernard Crohn" and we still do not have what we would call..."A cure." Does anyone wonder what is taking the medical profession so long to cure this horrible "disease." Could we be stuck with this awful condition for yet another 80 years? I know I'm not about to wait that long!

I've been doing some very intense research and have some thoughts to share
So here we go: Let's first address what we have all been told: "You have Crohn's disease." Notice whenever you hear the word disease you think "I'm doomed until they find a cure" and place all of our trust into what is called "Modern Medicine" and the doctors who serve it.

If you think carefully about what this does to people. I can tell you it makes me feel like a chicken with it's head cut off. The concept of having a disease has made me feel stripped of all my power. I feel like a slave to my doctors and the drugs the give me. I walk around defeated, after all I believe these people, I believe in there research, there "illusive cures." But what is taking so long? I think the answer to that question is very simple. Have they been looking in the wrong place the entire time? You see if we look at the habits of our doctors, they are focused on controlling symptoms. Outside of that they work on cures. But there is NEVER any attention paid to what the Causative Factors are. Have any of you ever bothered to think about this? I know I didn't, because the moment I was told I had a "disease" I lost all ability to think for myself. But when I start thinking about the fact they've been at this since the 30s!!! I don't see an end to this at all. I'm not playing that game anymore so I have been doing my own research and this is what I've found: What is crohn's?

Put very simply crohn's is damaged tissue in the GI tract at the cellular level.
We have damaged tissue and as a result we experience "Inflammation." For example: Take a drug like "Accutane" which is know to tear up your GI tract.
The accutane damages the tissue and now we have...."Crohn's disease."
When I used to think of the word "disease" I pictured an out of control monster that was ravaging my body. Not some basic damaged tissue. Why would we call something so basic a "disease."???

Now the ONLY question here is why is the body not repairing that tissue? We know that when we get a cut on our finger, the body repairs it, we heal one area of our bodys very well. Why are we not healing the others? Is it possible that things are this simple but our Doctors have been overlooking it?? Part 2 I will post WHY our bodys do not heal up the GI tissue. In the mean time I would like to hear your comments/Questions. Thankyou :)
Why would we call something so basic a "disease."???

Hi Midnite,

Whilst you may put Crohn's as something 'basic', I am in pain everyday and at the moment can only tolerate liquids as I have a stricture. As people spend years studying to be a Doctor and the only place I get my info is the internet I am more than happy to put my trust in those that treat me.

I don't know why our guts won't heal themselves [sure would make life easier if they did :) ], unfortunately there are a lot of other diseases and such out there that this is not a cure for as well.

Just my opinion.
Unfortunately, you're oversimplifying it. Crohns is a multipart process, as often the gut DOES heal itself, and the resulting healing causes more problems. If you cut your finger and it heals, you end up with a small scar. Your intestines weren't meant to scar, in the first place. Second of all, when the intestines of a person with Crohns do heal that "cut" their intestines are in overdrive because our immune systems are in overdrive, so not only did we attack ourselves in the first place causing damage, but we over-heal when we do heal, so the scar tissue (which shouldn't be there in the first place, because a "normal" GI tract isn't meant to deal with ulcerations and the like) is usually built up and much thicker and more rubbery and dense than it needs to be - hence, strictures.

My daughter is ten. She was breastfed until 10.5 months, we have eaten organic foods, raw milk, coconut oil, ghee, micro-farmed vegetables, and the like, since she was an infant. I did homemade babyfoods when she did start eating food. She had one (1) ear infection until the age of five, and we didn't even know it was an ear infection until it was over. She wasn't on a long course of antibiotics until she was 8 years old and had Lyme disease, and was on amoxycillin for 30 days. Before that, she was on antibiotics maybe three times in her life. She's not been on accutane, or any other acne medication that leads to Crohns. No long courses of NSAIDS. No Western diet of Bunny bread and frozen fish sticks and Western living monster controlling our lives like a puppet leading my family to sicken ourselves, thank you very much. So, please tell me, what did I "do" to my daughter to "make" her sick? Because I'm pretty sure that's where you're going with your manifesto.

I'm a little insulted that you'd call it "so basic". And all of us here, are fully thinking for ourselves. That's why we ARE here, sharing diet, lifestyle, and treatment experiences, instead of just waiting in the armchair crossing off the calendar until our next mindless march into the doctor-machine office...
slightly off topic.. but thats amazing what you're doing for your daughter imwood! i breastfed for 7months - would have been longer, but had to stop due going on IV steroids and tapering off pred for 3mths. i cried when i was giving her a last breastfeed :(
i also make her baby food from scratch too. i have always had an awful diet, and im extremely fussy when it comes to eating - its so embarrassing and im desperate for her not to end up like me.

(im undiagnosed - so obviously i cant comment on the topic of this thread)
I think you will find that many, many diseases are caused by inflammation eg rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, pleurisy, eczema, cystitis, pulmonary fibrosis, SLE etc etc.

Inflammation can be a very destructive process. In the case of crohn's it is thought that the inflammation is caused by the body attacking itself ie an autoimmune disease. Inflammation is caused by many things and the symptoms depend on what is inflamed.

Treatments are aimed at preventing the inflammation eg TNF blockers (TNF causes inflammation), azathioprine/methotrexate/6MP (immune suppressants to prevent the body attacking itself). They are not just designed for symptom control like immodium and pain killers, they are trying to prevent the inflammation in the first place.

The big question is why do some people develop inflammatory conditions? Medical research HAS come a long way but it is time consuming, expensive and of course trials take many years to complete otherwise they would be unsafe.
Did I cure myself? Part 2

Okay everyone. Thankyou for the responses from part 1. This is part 2 and the reason that the tissue won't heal and STAYS inflammed.

I know a lot of you WILL disagree here, infact I know almost all of you will probably be very upset I'm making things so simple, but if you will take the time to do the research and investigate this, then it will be worth the effort.
You can look up everything that I tell you.

I'm sorry to say that based upon my research and the results I've seen the reason all of us are not healing is simple...ACIDS! Acids damage cells.
You don't need to understand chemistry but you only need to know that there are only two sides two it: There is the acid side of chemistry and the base side. (Alkaline) the foods we eat are either acidic or Alkaline. The scale used to measure this is the "pH" scale (Potential for Hydrogen) Which goes from 0-14 7 being neutral. Just as an example Battery acid that strips your finger off is about 1pH...Coca cola is about 3pH Gatorade is about 2.8pH. Meat is somewhere in the 5s. These are verifiable facts. Fruits an vegetables on the other hand are on the base side.

Now if there are acids stuck in the GI tract why won't they come out? Well one reason is you might be dumping more acid into your bodys by the foods
that you eat and not even know it. So the first thing we need to do is stay away from acid forming foods.

The second step is we need to get the acids that are ALREADY in there out.
There is only one way to do that and that is you need to detoxify yourself.
Detoxification is how we get them out of there. Once the tissues are free of any acids then the body can heal itself. Can you imagine having a cut and try dipping your hand into battery acid expecting it to heal in that very acidic enviroment? Again most of you will disagree, but please do your research.

So how do we detoxify ourselves and get these acids out? Well first of all we need to know if acids are already coming out of us. The way we do that is to check our urine. Urinate in a bottle let it sit and hold it up to the light. Is it clear? Or can you tiny strands of mucus and sediment in there? If you can see sediment that is acid waste which is great!!! That means your already filtering acids but your still not getting to the acids in the gut. If it's clear that means the sewer system in your body is backed up and your symptoms are only going to get worse.
Just curious, I haven't done the research on this and you have, but if this theory is true, then why does prendisone and all of the other drugs we take out there help the inflammation that a lot of us have? If this is all chalked up to acid in our body, then it doesn't make sense that these medications would help in the disease.
The stomach has an acid pH and when food enters the stomach the pH will drop to pH2, highly acidic. This enables the digestive process. Also not too many bacteria can withstand the stomach acid.Notably Helicobacter pylori does resist it because it is capable of producing a highly alkaline environment for itself.
H.pyori is now well known for being implicated in the production of gastric and duodenal ulcers.
The normal pH of the body is ideally at 7.365 which is optimal for the body's biochemical processes.
So it would appear there is room for both acid and alkaline environments and essential to maintain a balance optimal to health.
Hi Manzyb...Thanks for the question....The answer to your question is very simple. First of all you need to know which side of the fence "inflammation" is on. Is it on the symptom side or the causative factor side? Inflammation is a RESULT of something else happening. Therefore it is separate from "Acids" When you take steroids, there job is to neutralize the inflammation and they do it for the short term. But what we see is that it keeps coming back so we have to keep taking them. The question then becomes why does it keep coming back? Because we have not yet addressed the causative factors. Which are acids. So infact the steroids are not Helping at all. They only serve to comfort you in the short term. However the acids remain.

@Trysha....The acid in your stomach is hydrochloric acid, and there is ONLY room for that kind of acid in the stomach. If that acid was not neutralized with Bi-Carbonate from the pancreas and got into your blood, you would be dead within 4 minutes. Remember if any acids get into cells anywhere in the body Except for where your body breaks down food, they damage damage damage. Thanks for the questions, keep them coming! I hope all of you get the chance to check out those videos.
WOW Are you a troll???

You really think that all we need to do is change our diet???

Well, I say BSBSBSBS!!!

I have done everything under the sun from diet modification, to several medications, WITHOUT ANY SIGNIFICANT IMPROVEMENT................

To say that something as simple as a diet change is insulting. Been there, done that, and it FAILED...

It has failed so much, that I am at a point where Doctors refuse to take me as a patient, because NOTHING seems to work.. So how can you have the audacity to say that ALL I need to do is change my diet???

You must also believe that prayer cures cancer... FOOL.

...But there may also be some of you that want to know more. You might be asking: Okay!! How do I detoxify myself? And I could answer that but I will only do so in a private message. So send me one if you want to know more.
I am puzzled by this. If your aim is to help people - or to help them help themselves - why will you do so only in answer to a private message? Surely putting the information here for everyone to see, both now and in the future, would be beneficial to a wider range of people with Crohns.
Well susan, I'm sure you can imagine what the answer is to that, thanks to our very mature friend here:)
This is a copy and paste job from a website I saw months ago with a miracle cure for crohns. i think the full explanation costs money.
@Dwy Well I think you should back those claims up with the LINK to this Miracle cure website so you can prove that. There is no money. There is only me helping people.
I am concerned by the method you have used to convey your ideas midnite, that being part 1 and part 2. I just feel there is stringing along here so I will lock down the thread until admin has had the opportunity to discuss its contents.

If you really have a cure you can do the right thing and post it here. For free. Or you can patent it, take it through clinical trials, have its efficacy proven, and make millions. Your choice. Your current methodology screams scam and if that is the case, karma is headed your way. This thread will remain closed and all future posts by you are moderated. If you would like to post your entire method you may email me via the contact us form.
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