Did I read this or make it up?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Feb 28, 2012
Austin, Texas
I have been having a lot of joint pain- low back, shoulders. I thought it had a a lot to do with work. I work retail- a lot of unpacking and hanging of clothes. Well, I have been on short term disability for a few months. I have also seen a Rheumatologist. He did X-rays and found not inflammatory damage.

So, I think I read but, cant be sure that I can still have CD related arthritis without it showing up on an X-ray.

Right now- I feel sick to my stomach at times with the pain and it wakes me up in the middle of the night.

I am also having GI pain on my left side along with a few more lovely symptoms!

Thank you

Spondyloarthritis is related to cd and typically does not show in inflammatory markers or X-rays especially at the beginning
See link here

Ds has the kiddie version
It's migratory and jumps all around
His is type II which means he has arthritis flares independent of his crohns flares
Or sometimes they flare together
He has pain in his hips ,knees , lower back , neck shoulders ,wrists , fingers and heels
So a lot of places
Offically has arthritis in his hands and knees and enthitis in his heels

Volteran gel works wonders for his joints and doesn't hurt his Gi track
He is also on weekly humira plus Mtx for his joints

Tagging maya142
Good luck
Can you get in with another Rheumo who has heard of SpA
I agree -- a rheumatologist should know that in the beginning stages, SpA does not usually show up on x-rays. It can take 8-10 years to develop enough damage for it to be visible on x-rays (of course, it can also happen much faster -- took 3 for my daughter).

My younger daughter has Crohn's and AS. Her joint pain is mostly hips, SI joints, knees, heels, and spine though pretty much all her joints have been involved at one point or another.

Typically MRIs and symptoms are used to diagnose SpA. Bloodwork is usually done too, though not everyone has raised inflammatory markers with SpA (ESR and CRP). HLA B27 is a gene that is associated with it that is usually tested for, but you can have it even if you don't have the gene.

NSAIDs are used to treat it (not usually an option in Crohn's patients) and then biologics. If a lot of peripheral joints are involved (joints other than the spine), then Methotrexate and Sulfasalazine tend to be used.

Signs of inflammatory arthritis include morning stiffness, pain that gets better with activity (moving around) and worse with inactivity (sitting through a movie for example). Lower back and hip pain is VERY common in SpA.

Good luck!
Thank you guys for your responses, now who wants to go to the Dr with me?? LOL

I consider myself really good at giving the Dr my history of symptoms. At times I get the feeling it bothers him. I remind him I worked for a GI Dr and I learned how to talk to patients, there for I can turn that around and talk to a Dr.

He just dosent seem to trust me. I have a colonoscopy in July. Depending on what happens there, I may look for a new Dr. Maybe a female. Nothing against a male Dr, I just don't know what to change. I should not be waking up in this much pain during the night. From what I have read and "heard" from all of you here and on other threads, how can he question my

Thank you again!

Yes, you can have arthritis that does not show up on x-rays. Your rheumatologist should be able to look at your history of Crohn's and recognize that you may be having arthritis symptoms associated with it. This is called enteropathic arthritis or enteropathic spondylarthropy. From what I understand approximately 40% of people with Crohn's have some type of extra symptoms.