
Crohn's Disease Forum

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I hope this is okay to start!

What kind of diet are you all on, if you are on one? I've been looking at the Specific Carbohydrate diet , and I also looked at a book on eating for your gut.

I'm reading The Diet Cure, by Julia Ross, which is more for emotional health but I think my issues have to do with stress, so this might help.
I read Eating Right for a Bad Gut. It helped to teach me what kinds of foods can be irritating to the digestive tract. From there I just would learn through trial and error what works for me. The better I feel the more things I can eat, but overall I don't follow a specific diet. When I feel good I try to eat as many fruits and vegetables as I can since when I am flaring I can't eat a lot of them.
This is the diet I was on in the beginning and I always return to it when I flare.
With the exception of water mellon.
Low Residue Diet
Grain Products:

enriched refined white bread, buns, bagels, english muffins
plain cereals e.g. Cheerios, Cornflakes, Cream of Wheat, Rice Krispies, Special K
arrowroot cookies, tea biscuits, soda crackers, plain melba toast
white rice, refined pasta and noodles
avoid whole grains

fruit juices except prune juice
applesauce, apricots, banana (1/2), cantaloupe, canned fruit cocktail, grapes, honeydew melon, peaches, watermelon
avoid raw and dried fruits, raisins and berries.

vegetable juices
potatoes (no skin)
well-cooked and tender vegetables including alfalfa sprouts, beets, green/yellow beans, carrots, celery, cucumber, eggplant, lettuce, mushrooms, green/red peppers, squash, zucchini
avoid vegetables from the cruciferous family such as broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale, Swiss chard etc
Meat and Protein Choice:

well-cooked, tender meat, fish and eggs
avoid beans and lentils
Nuts and Seeds:

Avoid all nuts and seeds, as well as foods that may contain seeds (such as yogurt)

as directed by your healthcare providers

Hope it helps
God Bless