My name is Beth and I was diagnosed with colitis 5 years ago. Since that time I have take the path of using Naturopathy and homeopathy to gain control. Something different is happening now and has me so confused. I am having loose bowels, but not having any cramping ahead of time. The looseness is controlled, meaning only happening at the "normal times" that I would have a bowel movement and I do not have a sense of urgency. In fact, I have to push t get the BM out (like constipation) only it's loose. When I do go, I have some lower colon cramping -- probably just feeling my colon trying to do its job. I do not eat any dairy, and extremely limited amounts of sugar (like 1 time a week). I don't drink sodas or alcohol, and consume yeast products very rarely (like 1 time aweek). Without the lower abdomen pain and cramping, I almost feel like it must be something different than my colitis. Do any of you have any thoughts or suggestions for me?