Do antibiotics help with Crohn's Disease

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Apr 21, 2009
HI everyone! its tabathe again and ivebeen doing a lot of research about crohns and i have some questions i was ondering if you could help me with. i would ask my gi but my appt isnt untill june 5th so i thought maybe someone on here could help. ok so i have a list going i will just type them out and anyone who might know them please help! thank you!
- How do i know if i have a vitamid diffenciency?
- should i take vitamins for anything?
- should i see a diettrician for meal plans?
- what are things you can do to reduce stress? and does yoga really help that. it seems like the pulling on your stomach would make it hurt more.
- does pentasa have any side effects?
- are there any meds that arent daily?
- do antibiotics help with crohns?
- does stress really make you bowels move differently?
- crohns is said to make you loose wight but ive gained weight so is that the meds?
- if a lot of the different meds and crohns causes lack of energy, is there a way for me to get more energy? i cant drink energy drinks tho because they hurt my stomach.

well thats my list of questions ive gathered so far so if anyone can help with these i would greatly appriciate it! THANK YOU.
- are there any meds that arent daily?

Inflixmab/Remicide infusions are given every 8-10 weeks.
Humira injections are usually given every 2 weeks, or in my case changed to every week.

Other than that, I don't think there are any other meds that aren't taken every day.

- do antibiotics help with crohns?

They are used to treat abscesses cause by Fistulas, they may be used for other symptoms, but I'm not sure.

- does stress really make you bowels move differently?

Yes, stress is definitely a factor in my flareups.

- should i see a diettrician for meal plans?

Yes, I've seen a dietitian regularly over the past 20 odd years. Maybe every 2-3 years. Different food, generally, doesn't effect me, but it's a precaution.

- crohns is said to make you loose wight but ive gained weight so is that the meds?

Probably. If your on Pred, definitely. But if the meds are giving you remission, then you will put on weight. The body tries to store as much as it can after a perceived famine.
danman said:
They are used to treat abscesses cause by Fistulas, they may be used for other symptoms, but I'm not sure.

There are a few which have a shocking effect on Crohn's (especially in my case.)
I often use Metronidazole instead of prednisolone.
hi there...

vitamin deficiency can be identified by blood tests your gp can run for you - you don't need to wait to see a specialist for this, although your GI will possibly take blood tests too at the appointment, especially if it's one of your first appointments.

if you think you have poor absorption or a poor diet, then vitamin supplements are a good idea - a simple multivit will help, but the ones with pro & pre biotics & minerals are even better. might be an idea to try & locate one that's in liquid form, for better absorption.

i strongly believe that we should see a dietician at least once following diagnosis.

yep stress can make things worse - yoga is great for total body relaxation but not always achievable due to discomfort. if you like yoga and normally can do it, then maybe continue but avoid those stretches which pull on your stomach. otherwise, any kind of relaxation is good, including meditation.

the lack of energy thing is a difficult one.. drinks & energy sweets only give a short term bout of energy. if you can improve your diet at all, that might help, and get as much sleep as you can.

these are just my thoughts on some of your questions, hope they help, and good luck with your appointment :)
Thank you guys for taking the time to help me i really appreciate it! I am planning on talking to my gi about these things when i go to see him. ive had a few appointments but i never see him just his nurse so im gonna ask if i can see him or if she can help me with these questions. and about the diettrician, where do you find one at to talk with? and would they know things for a crohn's diet? also can i take the meds that are only weekly or so or do i have to have a worse case of crohn's like can anyone with it have them. and do they hurt or feel like a normal shot? Thanx again for helping me with these it will help me write my paper and get a list dowm for questions and things to talk about with my gi. hopefully he wont be a grouch about it because when i do see him he likes to rush things...maybe ill just talk to the nurse she should know these things, right?
well the meds designated for mild, moderate, or severe crohns. it just happens to be that the weekly meds are for higher moderate and severe cases. so the severity of your disease determines what meds are right for you. does that explain it?
and as far as hurting...umm well methotrexate is easy. i had issues with it mentally, but its a subcu injection, so no big pain.
humira hurts quite a bit more than a regular shot in my opinion. feels like a bee sting.
It's more the injection part that hurts, not the actual needle though.

As far as a dietition goes, my GI always organised this or me, but it may be different in the US.
yes that does help explain it better imm usually good with shots but i dont know if my crohns is bad enuff for the shot im on 3 500mg pentasa 3 times daily now as well as 20mgs of prednisone
If that's working for you, they wouldn't want to change your meds.
Are you tapering off the Pred?
danman said:
It's more the injection part that hurts, not the actual needle though.

yeah exactly. the speed at which the med goes into the tissue is what makes the burning bee sting feeling i think

I can address a couple:

As for yoga -- I did find it very helpful for stress relief and for sore muscles with the crohns. Just make sure to take a low-impact class and watch out for the super-twisty poses that can perhaps hurt your stomach (though i never had that problem).

Tips for fatigue: When I am flaring I have terrible fatigue and there is honestly not a ton that REALLY helps BUT (a) you may be anemic (many of us are) so if you can tolerate an iron supplement it might help, (b) if you are not eating enough, try a dietary supplement (Boost or some such) which might help perk you up, and (c) mild exercise (perhaps like the low impact yoga discussed above) may help if you can tolerate it.

Otherwise, I agree with all the statements above.
ive been put on the pred about 20 days ago and it was a 30 day supply of 20mgs but i wont be able to talk with my dr before im out so i dont think i will be able to taper down. why is tapering down so important?
and i will think about trying yoga but i would feel silly doing it i think lol. ive had blood tests done for anemia and no one has told me i have it so i dont think that is it. i will also try the boost stuff my mom had to drink it for protein after one of her surgeries and it helped and im pretty sure im eating enuff on the pred i just cant seem to get enugh to eat its horrible lol i dun think ive ever eatten so much in my life!
Here's a qoute from Colt, it explains why you eed to get more Pred to taper.

Colt said:
Prednisone causes your adrenal gland to shut down if you have taken it for an extended period of time (2 weeks or more). It will not wake up again unless you taper slowly.

If your adrenal gland is not woken up properly you will become very sick, your blood pressure will drop as your heart pumps less and less hard, and eventually your heart will stop and you will die. There are no ifs, ands, or buts. You will die. Understand?'s_disease#Addisonian_crisis
wow but i was just reading another thread and it reminded me of something i was wondering about before. when they were first trying to find out what was wrong with me they TRYED to do a pelvic exam and pelvic ultrasounds a few different times and no matter what they wouldnt go IN you know and they even let me try to see if i was just tense and im good about relaxing myself when it needs to be done(i used to have to get a catherder with a baloon thingy on the end every mont for a few years when i had the kedney problems) but i couldnt get it to go in eather there was something blocking it and it was hard not like if it might have been my hymen(im still a virgin) and i was wondering if any of you may have an idea about why this is. could it be something with my crohns or have any of you had this type of problem before. it really makes me scared to even try sex because i dont know if it would even go in so please anyone that can help me with this i would greatly appreciate it!
YOU MUST TAPER... MUST MUST MUST MUST. If you think you feel bad now .. going off Pred cold turkey will make you want to die. My GI screwed up when I was first being treated and I went from 40mg to nothing .. and I really hated life. It is not a fun feeling trust me. So before you run out talk to SOMEBODY. I cannot stress that enough.
SpoonNinja said:
wow but i was just reading another thread and it reminded me of something i was wondering about before. when they were first trying to find out what was wrong with me they TRYED to do a pelvic exam and pelvic ultrasounds a few different times and no matter what they wouldnt go IN you know and they even let me try to see if i was just tense and im good about relaxing myself when it needs to be done(i used to have to get a catherder with a baloon thingy on the end every mont for a few years when i had the kedney problems) but i couldnt get it to go in eather there was something blocking it and it was hard not like if it might have been my hymen(im still a virgin) and i was wondering if any of you may have an idea about why this is. could it be something with my crohns or have any of you had this type of problem before. it really makes me scared to even try sex because i dont know if it would even go in so please anyone that can help me with this i would greatly appreciate it!

i would guess that it is your muscles tensing up, because either consciously or subconsiously you're scared/nervous. you could ask for a relaxant before you have such procedures, if you explain that they've failed in the past because of that problem. also, try practicing with a tampon at home.. making yourself relax voluntarily.
ive tryed thoes things before theyve given me adavan i think in an iv before they do them and also ive told them about how it doesnt work and they never believe me. and ive never been able to use tampons ive tryed randomly since i first started having periods and if i do get one in i can still feel it and its very uncomffy and ive never been able to get them in right because it hits whatever it is thats in the way i think it may be scar tissue from all the other surgeries ive had or maybe from the kidney things i used to have done all the time im not sure even the drs dun no whats wrong my primary dr thinks it was something called vagistinosis(i think thats how it was speled) or that i needed a surgery in it because the scar tissue from other surgeries. because all my other sugeries were in that area (the overy cyst and kidney surgeries the gull bladder one was higher up tho) so idk but thanx for helping :)
SpoonNinja said:
HI everyone! its tabathe again and ivebeen doing a lot of research about crohns and i have some questions i was ondering if you could help me with. i would ask my gi but my appt isnt untill june 5th so i thought maybe someone on here could help. ok so i have a list going i will just type them out and anyone who might know them please help! thank you!
- How do i know if i have a vitamid diffenciency?
- should i take vitamins for anything?
- should i see a diettrician for meal plans?
- what are things you can do to reduce stress? and does yoga really help that. it seems like the pulling on your stomach would make it hurt more.
- does pentasa have any side effects?
- are there any meds that arent daily?
- do antibiotics help with crohns?
- does stress really make you bowels move differently?
- crohns is said to make you loose wight but ive gained weight so is that the meds?
- if a lot of the different meds and crohns causes lack of energy, is there a way for me to get more energy? i cant drink energy drinks tho because they hurt my stomach.

well thats my list of questions ive gathered so far so if anyone can help with these i would greatly appriciate it! THANK YOU!!!^.^

- How do i know if i have a vitamid diffenciency?
- should i take vitamins for anything?
- should i see a diettrician for meal plans?
Talk to your doctor and a dietician before starting any supplements or making any changes to your diet.

- are there any meds that arent daily?
Humira and Remicade are either biweekly of bimonthly injections or infusions. Most other meds are daily pills.

The rest I will differ to others who might have more of an insight.

How old are you?
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SpoonNinja said:
ive tryed thoes things before theyve given me adavan i think in an iv before they do them and also ive told them about how it doesnt work and they never believe me. and ive never been able to use tampons ive tryed randomly since i first started having periods and if i do get one in i can still feel it and its very uncomffy and ive never been able to get them in right because it hits whatever it is thats in the way i think it may be scar tissue from all the other surgeries ive had or maybe from the kidney things i used to have done all the time im not sure even the drs dun no whats wrong my primary dr thinks it was something called vagistinosis(i think thats how it was speled) or that i needed a surgery in it because the scar tissue from other surgeries. because all my other sugeries were in that area (the overy cyst and kidney surgeries the gull bladder one was higher up tho) so idk but thanx for helping :)

ok first of all i just have to agree with the others: TAPER YOUR PRED!
allright? allright.

ok so in reagards to the other issue--have you ever seen a gyno? since they know what theyre lookin at down there maybe it would really help. they know what is normal or abnormal and maybe its not as serious a problem as you think?
one of my friends could never get a tampon in either, dont really know why but it just wouldnt go she said!
so youre probably not alone in this.
my mom called my gi yesterday because i told her all of you were saying it was important to taper down on the pred but he wont give me any over the phone and he doesnt have ne aapt openings until june 5th when im already schedualed to see him. and my primary dr wont prescribe them to me because my gi does, so yeah what else can i do? my gi doesnt seem to think its that important because its only 20mgs so im outta ideas unless i go to the hospital and ask them to give me more but i doubt they will do thet...
SpoonNinja said:
my mom called my gi yesterday because i told her all of you were saying it was important to taper down on the pred but he wont give me any over the phone and he doesnt have ne aapt openings until june 5th when im already schedualed to see him. and my primary dr wont prescribe them to me because my gi does, so yeah what else can i do? my gi doesnt seem to think its that important because its only 20mgs so im outta ideas unless i go to the hospital and ask them to give me more but i doubt they will do thet...
Where do you live? Maybe we can refer you to a better doctor in your area...
i live in battle creek michigan ive been to dr. turk and dr.gjerouso(sp?) already and am now with dr.beyer i dont know if there even are anymore in the area lol
Hey there spoonninja...

I can't believe that your doctor is having you go cold turkey off Prednisone. As said above, I don't think it can be stressed enough that this is a VERY VERY bad idea. If your doc won't give you a taper your local hospital and try to get in to see is a website about prednisone taper and it definitely suggests tapering from 20 mg is appropriate.

As to the pelvic exam...I had almost this same exact problem when I first started going to an ob-gyn at 16 because of fistulas. I couldn't use tampons and they couldn't fit even a cotton swab in there. My mom had said "well maybe you are just tense" but there is actually a thing where the opening to your vagina is too small and there is a minor operation to expand it. Its good to get it done now because if you ever do want to become sexually active you will need to have it done (of course, if it is the problem). I'd suggest going to see a gyno when you can (its not urgent, but it is probably something you should get addressed).

Hope you figure something out with the prednisone thing. I'd definitely try calling the GI back and laying down the law. "I'm very uncomfortable not having a taper schedule. Please perscribe it or i need a referral to see someone who will."

wow thanks i was starting to worry anout the whole things not going in thing lol it makes me feel better that there may be a cause for it.

also i told my mom about the prednisone thing and we found some 5mg pills from a while ago and she said she would have me take 10mgs for 5 days then 5mgs for 5 days then i could be done (starting this when my 20mg pills are gone) i will def check out the link about prednisone and as soon as im out of school imma schedual all the tests my gi wants me to do and then talk to my gyn

did that have a name for what you had done so i can ask if he will check for it? because i really want to get this figured out! thanx for your advise tho it helps:)
Sorry...I don't remember the name. I was 16 and kind of pretending the whole thing wasn't happening because the gyn was a man and it was all just mortifying. :p
oh well thats ok thats what i do but i will def ask him about it next time i see him so i can see if that may be what it is.

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