Do things get better

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May 18, 2011

It has been over a year or me now with no sound diagnosis. Everyone is telling me that once we figure out what is going on things will eventually get better. My question to you all is do they? Does everything actually become manageable?? Do you ever feel somewhat normal?? Do you have a quality of life??
I really wish they would put more research into this disease and other diseases of the bowels.
Id say things never go back to how they were, mainly cos i have to watch what i eat, do etc. and even then i never know if a flare is around the corner.

Saying that these drugs have helped me a lot and im enjoying life much more now.
Once you have a diagnosis then you can begin proper treatment. Proper treatment can lead to remission where you will have a better quality of life and you will feel somewhat normal. Even if you still have minor symptoms while in remission those symptoms can be treated so yes it does all become manageable. I've been in remission for over 10 years now so I know that you can go from the absolute bottom to the top.
I'm just really scared that nothing will beable to help me. I keep trying to say to myself that this is just a bump in the road but after a year I'm starting to think I will be like this forever.
Hearing your good stories give me hope.
I have suffered all my life I got diagnosed with cd this april.With treatment I don't fall asleep in the bathroom.We are never put through something we can't handle I have lost 30 lbs in a month I went shopping for new clothes today and I feel great.Its been a long time and I have my bad days but things will be better.Hope you feel better soon..Kristen
Wow.. not many replies.

I can take this two ways, those that are feeling better are not online to post or really this disease does not get any better.

I know everyone says after you are finally diagnosed things will get better, but Im so scared of all the side effects to the medications as well as getting cancer. but I do know it doesnt happen to everyone, and then you have to weight the good and the bad for each of the medications.

I say that I don't have any hope left in me but really I think i do but its so hard to hold on too after a year of losing weight and not knowing what is going on with your body.
As said in other threads to reply to you. Yes, it does get better. But as you've not had a dianosis yet, it's hard to say what exactly is wrong with you, so we may be unable to define 'better' for YOU.

A diagnosis of Crohns or UC is hardly a death sentence. It is this time, however, it is managable, and that makes all the difference! People can go YEARS AND YEARS without any symtoms at all. With the right meds, and sometimes yes surgery, it can be quite alright to live with it. Many of us here are managing just great with it as a matter of fact! I'm here tonight not because I dont have a life, but because I have to work every bloody bank holiday weekend!

I recommend you read 'The Fowel Bowel' for some perspective and a good laugh. If you lose your sense of humour, well, just dont lose that!

Hi Daunting,

I am often loathe to reply to these posts because I am not the one with Crohns, my children are, so they are my perceptions.

My daughter went undiagnosed for 18 months, only receiving her diagnosis on the operating table. Prior to diagnosis those 18 months saw her become increasingly ill and unable to function until she became septic and surgery was required to see "what was going on*. She has the legacy of short bowel syndrome but over the years has learnt to manage that very effectively. Sarah has been in remission since her surgery, she also takes Imuran daily, and hasn't looked back. She lives away from home, attends university, has a part time job and is heavily involved in politics. I can honestly say I don't know how she does it, she seems to barely have time to scratch herself but from all outward appearances is thriving on it. So yes, I think I can safely say things have improved for Sarah, very significantly so.

My son was diagnosed 6 months ago and although diagnosed very quickly and with very few symptoms, Sarah's legacy no doubt, the last 6 months have not gone well. He suffered setback after setback resulting in him losing so much condition that it was heartbreaking to watch, it culminated in him requiring surgery last month and although it is still early days the change has been dramatic and for the better. I can only hope and pray he has as successful an outcome as his sister.

The medication/surgery issue is something that plays on mind daily but in our case it is either treat or die so it's a no brainer as far as I am concerned. Doesn't make it easier as such but I guess the water is a little less muddy.

Good luck and I hope you find the answers you seek very soon.


Dusty. xxx
For me - - - - > it comes in waves. Sometimes I am feeling wonderful and others not so much. Yes - when you are at your lowest - know that IT DOES GET BETTER :)

Hi Daunting ;)

I too, like Dusty, hesitate to comment on these because it is my daughter that is ill with CD and not me. However, something has compelled me to give you a little "insight" that, yes, you can get better :)

Gabrielle began being ill at 9 years old. She had severe stomach aches and hardly ate. After numerous tests she was treated for "suspected Crohn's". That treatment, although mild, only lasted around a year and she seemed to get better, and it was decided that she probably did not have CD. The doctor said if she does have it, don't worry, it will rear it's ugly head in her teenage years. So as the years went by, and with every (odd) illness she had we often found ourselves saying, "Maybe it is Crohn's?" And then she would get better and CD was a fleeting thought once again.
And then she turned 16.
It was the summer of her 16th year and all hell broke loose. She was hospitalized after around 6 months of just not feeling good, that quickly turned into what they deemed "Chronic Mononucleosis". She was severely jaundiced (they blamed it on Tylenol and bananas if you can believe it!). She spent 7 days in the hospital in severe abdominal pain (that they would not treat because of the liver problems), so she suffered through. The jaundice settled and she was released with no treatment.
After this episode she continued to get more and more ill and lived in constant pain, and also gained a symptom of severe joint pains. She could literally barely walk some days and said she knows what it feels like to be an 80 year old crippled up woman. We spent the next 8 months "doctor hopping", trying to make someone, anyone, listen to us that this was not "just Mono".
Finally, after we were sent to an oncologist with a scare of possible Leukemia, she was referred back to her original GI doctor, and after a few tests we finally had a definite diagnosis of Crohns disease.
Great right? We have a diagnosis and she can begin to get better !
Wrong! They started her simply on Apriso and prednisone, and then later moved on to 6mp in hopes to wean off the steroids. That never happened.
Around 9 months after diagnosis and "treatment", she was no better and getting worse, and still never once had she taken so much as a Tylenol for the pain.
She ended up in the ER 3 more times before they would pay attention and admit her.
She was found to have a suspected abscess in her pelvic abdominal wall.
She spent the next 10 days hospitalized with high anti-biotics and 120 mg a day of IV salumedrol (sp?) steroids. Again, they were very hesitant to treat her pain because of the risk to her liver, and they were afraid of it "backing her up". Her abdomen looked like she was pregnant full term, and she lay crying for days. No surgeon wanted to touch her because she was a minor so they released her again basically saying she could choose elective surgery after she turned 18 (which was not for 4 months!)
After this I researched and got her into the Mayo clinic, and within 2 months she had surgery. When she was opened up she was found to have not one, but 2 extremely large hidden accesses (one of which was leaking directly into her blood stream), multiple fistulas, and an extremely large mass. Her surgeon said he has never seen anything like it and she has obviously been suffering her entire life. She woke up from this surgery with a temporary ileostomy and a broken heart, and I found it hard to believe that she would emotionally recover being just 18 years old.
Boy was I wrong !!
This young lady of mine has gone beyond expectations. She is still suffering some, but we have very high hopes for the Cimzia treatment she has just started. She takes advantage of every single good moment she can and never lets anything stop her. She keeps a smile on her face even when she probably feels like crying. She has just graduated high school with Magna Cum Laute honours, in spite of spending practically her entire senior year in bed. She is headed off to her University of choice in the fall, despite me almost trying to keep her home and hold her off.
So I guess my point in all of this is live your life. Keep your chin up and never, never let this disease or any other stop you from achieving your dreams. Don't let it get the best of you, YOU can do it ! If a 16 year old teenage girl can spend 2 years of her (life) pretty much bed ridden and in pain, and still keep can too :) It does get just have to keep your perception of "better" small for now maybe, and watch it get bigger an bigger as you get a diagnosis and start your journey to health.

I hope this finds you in good spirits, and I wish you nothing but the best !!
:ghug:Hang in there ! :ghug:
Wow.. not many replies.

I can take this two ways, those that are feeling better are not online to post or really this disease does not get any better.

I know everyone says after you are finally diagnosed things will get better, but Im so scared of all the side effects to the medications as well as getting cancer. but I do know it doesnt happen to everyone, and then you have to weight the good and the bad for each of the medications.

I say that I don't have any hope left in me but really I think i do but its so hard to hold on too after a year of losing weight and not knowing what is going on with your body.

It took me 21 years of suffering mild/moderate - severe CD.....................
Then i finally found the help i needed.
I now live in complete remission from CD.

Best Wishes
I know this can all be draining and you asked some of the very questions I ask myself everyday. I am currently in bedrest as I am soo fatigued and doing a colonscopy tommorow so I am starving. I read your earlier post and you mentioned how you were in limbo. I have not recieved a diagnoses but I am very frustrated, anxious, and scared at this point. I just wanted to tell you that your not alone with all of this and I am here if you need to chat. :ghug:
This young lady of mine has gone beyond expectations. She is still suffering some, but we have very high hopes for the Cimzia treatment she has just started. She takes advantage of every single good moment she can and never lets anything stop her. She keeps a smile on her face even when she probably feels like crying. She has just graduated high school with Magna Cum Laute honours, in spite of spending practically her entire senior year in bed. She is headed off to her University of choice in the fall, despite me almost trying to keep her home and hold her off.
So I guess my point in all of this is live your life. Keep your chin up and never, never let this disease or any other stop you from achieving your dreams. Don't let it get the best of you, YOU can do it ! If a 16 year old teenage girl can spend 2 years of her (life) pretty much bed ridden and in pain, and still keep can too :) It does get just have to keep your perception of "better" small for now maybe, and watch it get bigger an bigger as you get a diagnosis and start your journey to health.

I hope this finds you in good spirits, and I wish you nothing but the best !!
:ghug:Hang in there ! :ghug:

I think that you said it best. I've been sick with Crohn's since I was eleven and not once have I asked "Why me?" You have to develop a positive attitude. YOU MUST! It is the only thing, along with support from the people that love you, to beat this disease. No matter how many drugs, flare-ups, hospital stays, foods you have to avoid, surgeries, etc. you experience, you MUST look for the positive. Things could always be worse. Everyone has something in their life that challenges them, and Crohn's is our battle wound to bear. YOU CAN DO THIS!

Sorry if that got a bit lecture-like... :) I just know that we can all do this. I'm sure of it.
And when I say that we all have something to struggle with, your prolonged diagnosis is a part of that. I really hope that you figure everything out soon! Then you can finally focus on the best treatment! Good luck Daunting!
I had my first colonoscopy aug 2009(at age 22) I had abdominal cramping and bloody stool(it was deep red and seemed to stick on whatever it could) the doctor sat my fiance and I down afterward(I was still sleepy and didnt get much) he said my symptoms were most related to UC. That was fine but he decided to not treat me until my biopsies came back...well long story short he NEVER treated me. I started going down a long slope. I'd go to the ER get a CAT scan and then sent my way after being given pills that "wont help" (all this time being told CT scan shows colitis)finally I hit a low. I was sleeping all the time getting tied real easily and in aug 2010 my fiance drug me to the hospital. Seeing I was anemic and needed a blood transfusion they admitted me for a week. I got 2 pints of blood anouther colonoscopy and a diagnosis of crohns

I went from moderate UC- severe crohns. I feel if I had been treated before I would be so much healthier instead now I'm trying to find a good combination of medicine. I have good days and bad days but I always have hope that I'll eventually hit my remission and once in remission I think my life will be more enjoyable. At least for now I'm able to make it to aa bathroom on time and I'm able to do more things that I could before, like swim with my son for longer than a couple of minutes.

I think that is what I am so scared about right now is that because they don't want to treat me for what is crohn's that it will get to a point that they will not beable to help me.
I started seeing a phycologist about two weeks ago and she did some research and apparently there is two ways to treat new diagnosed crohns one way is to treat it heads on and another is the wait and see approach an depending on what sevices that is how your treat it. But I keep thinking what if it gets so bad that it is untreatable.
Right now my Gi is sending me on a wild goose chase as far as I am concerned. I have a nuclear test this week to check for an endocrine tumor and a ct scan scheduled for later on in June. Plus he wants me to get my pancreas looked at by a specialist. More waste of time. I keep wondering how much time will need to past by before I get any help.

I really need a concrete diagnosis right now.
i went through 4 years of horrifying, evil, bad malpractice treatment in japan. all they were doing was masking my symptoms. i came to australia and within 2 weeks i was infinitely better, beyond belief. its still bad, but you got to get a good, knowledgeable and above all competent gastroentorologist or your just going to be left in a horrible condition.
Daunting, I was 260 lbs in January 2009. In January 2011, at my worse, I was 155 lbs. You are not alone. I was first misdiagnosed with Lyme disease. After my 1st Colonoscopy in September 2009 I was misdiagnosed with Severe Ulcerative Colitis. I was finally diagnosed with Crohn's after my second Colonoscopy in August 2010.

I've been on so many different meds. I'm amazed that I don't glow in the dark. I'm currently on Cimzia and Methotrexate and only see the first improvement the last month or so after 2 years of HELL.

It's not just the Crone's but also the anemia that it's caused. That is what put me in the hospital twice.

I could go on and on but I can assure you that you are not alone. Hopefully one day I can stop wearing the Male "Depends" and live a normal life. It's getting a little better. I actually slept a full night the other night for the 1st time in over 1 1/2 years.
All I can think to say is... Have Faith! Use this time to strengthen your resolve and faith in YOURSELF that you CAN handle this and will pull through it soon enough. I've been there... I think it's fair to say that most of us have been there. It's part of the journey we must go on in order to reach a healthier, happier place in life. Like they say- you cant fully appreciate life's ups untill you've experienced the downs.

I'm almost 25 and started getting sick when I was 17. Wasn't diagnosed untill year 1/2 later (after MANY painful, stressful days and nights... unanswered questions, despair & a slew of doctors who didn't have a clue what was wrong with me).
It DOES get better.
It WILL get better.
The most important thing to remember is this: Keep your sense of humor and FIGHT for a positive outlook!!! It will carry you through these times and you'll learn to see what your going through as a learning experience. It will be what you make of it.

Your doing the right thing already by reaching out to others like us. Keep educating yourself. Keep asking questions. Keep reading books and expressing how you feel to your doctors/family/friends.
Hi all

I really hope things will get better I haven't been on for a bit and it's not because I feel better it is because my phycologist has asked me to try not to read about illnesses and ailments for a bit.
Still this journey has incredibly rough and it doesnt appear that I will get better. My doctors are baffled and keep sending me for tests that cone back normal.
I really font know what to do anymore or say.

I'm this close to giving up.
Don't give up. It's your life and you deserve to have it back. There's an answer out there for you and I really hope you find it. I don't understand why your therapist would want you to stop doing research cause none of us are going to just lay down and die and wait for the doctor to call so we can simply blame the lack of treatment on the doctor when we could have been more proactive in our own diagnosis. I hope they don't think that this is all in your head because its not. I dunno, do what you think is best but more importantly, never give up. Even if you have to seek help from other doctors you have to keep trying. There was another member on here a while back who also couldn't get a diagnosis where they lived and actually flew to another country to seek help where eventually they received a diagnosis. I hope you get a diagnosis soon too.
Generally speaking, most drs at least treat symtoms even if there isnt a diagnosis. They usually at least try something to see if it helps. Has that not taken place? If not, why not?

Giving up? Whatever for. Life is ahead of you! If all those test are negative, they should at least try to treat your symptoms. Have they given you anything at all? Perhaps a list of your symtoms taken to another GI. All symptoms, including your depression, and anything else. Even things that dont seem remotely related to your bowel symtoms. Take it to another Dr, along with test results. In fact, take it to an internal specialist.


I really don't want to give up, I have a great job fantastic husband and two wonderful dogs.

My family doctor has started to treat the symptoms but the medications are not working too too well or not at all. I was at my family doctors yesterday and I asked if I could be sent for a WBC nuclear scan. I think that will help determine if there is any inflammation hiding anywhere in my body. He will contact the nuclear division to see if it would be worth while he has never had to send anyone for that test before and wants to get a bit more of a back ground on it.

Funny that you mention an internist, I was with one first who has sent me to this doctor that I am currently with because he was at a lost, and this one that I am with is at a larger city and has more tests available to him. This new doctor is great doctor but for some reason doesn't believe I have crohn's or that what he saw should not be causing me this much grief. He has referred me to a specialist for the Pancreas and I will be going for a test on July 8. I have also a CT scan coming up. I know I am going for tests and tests but nothing comes back and it is so fustrating. Sometimes I wish they could just find it and treat it.

Yes phycologist has asked for me to stop researching because it is slowly hurting me. I am basically obsessed about finding out what is wrong with me.

Thanks for your posts.
I've had the WBC nuclear scan, it found inflammation for me, but after other normal tests my GI had the result changed :( Even though there has been consistent inflammation in my blood.

It's not a bad test, but it does take a long time, that is the only bother.

Good luck and keep us posted!
It is good to know that the WCB nuclear tests can show some type of inflammation. I have gone through so many blood tests and none have came back with any type of inflammation. So I am curious to know what it can find. All my tests either come back negative or inconclusive. I would like to have some kind of hard evidence in this century.

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