Do us crohnies have issues with paracetamol/Tylenol ?

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Oct 15, 2010
No I'm not talking about NSAID just general paracetamol ,
I seem to have bad pains an D when I take them !!
Any1 else ?
I have more problems with ibuprofen, but believe that tylenol does irritate in its own ways. I find that it causes me more intestinal gas, and, at a time I needed to use it regularly, I had a lot of difficulty with iron absorption and intestinal bleeding. Neither was listed as side effects, but both are pretty much regular occurrences for me.
Acetaminophen is known to be "safe" for IBD patient as it is not supposed to be irritant for the digestive track when taken in dosage of less than 4000mg/day. What I am thinking is that you are either intolerant/allergic to tylenol which could be a possibility. Otherwise, it could maybe be linked to some liver issues but that theory remains a bit controversial. I don't know if there is such a thing as a tylenol allergy test that could be done other than just experiencing the symptoms but the important part is to keep in mind that this is a potential reason why you'd have D and pain from it.
Have you tried different brands, in case it's a problem with one of the other ingredients (lactose is often used as a filler, sometimes colours are added). You could also try a soluble version in case the actual pill is irritating your insides.