Sooo... I spent Monday night in the hospital. Me. Alone. No kids.
(End story is good!)
But I was rushed from work to the hospital - thought I was having a heart attack. Entered the ER with my pulse over 130 and my blood pressure at about 200/120 - it was *crazy*!!
After an ekg, chest xray, CT w/contrast - they ruled out the immediate fears, but couldn't figure out why pulse continue to race 100-110 for about 2 hours before coming down to 80 - 90 bpm, and blood pressure sitting at about 181/79 for the same time period.:yfaint:
Kept me over night - ran a night long ekg, did an eeg, also a echnocardiogram, stress test and a stress test with nuclear iso (something)...
Results? I have paroxysmal atrial tachycardia - aka spontaneous heart racing... I go from normal to really fast for no reason at all. No reason at all they said?! Have you lived a day in my life, I thought... laughs..
I told me Mum that it would figure, my heart is like me... ambitiously lazy... hurry up to do everything we have to do, so we can sit back and do nothing for a while!
Oh well... Now I'm on beta blocker so it doesn't happen again.
Funny thing, the Cardiologist was asking me a ton of questions (everything from health history to personal family situation, kids, work, "what does a day look like in your life...") and when I was done, he looked *shocked* and said,... "You have to be the busiest person I've seen." If I hadn't been sitting there in 2 gowns, with ugly yellow hospital socks, without a comb for my hair, not have seen my kids in 15 hours with only 2 hours of sleep, I might have laughed... :lol2:
Good news is my heart is rock solid (outside of being ambitiously lazy) and all my other blood work is AWESOME!! First time I've been to the doctors for myself in about 2 years.