[FONT="] I agree that fatigue comes with IBD.
But some medications can interfere with absorption of nutrients, and also deplete you of minerals. Which also makes you fatigued.
In 2014, I had a blood test, and discovered that I was totally deficient in both Zinc and Iron.
And also low in Vitamin D and
Within 6 weeks of daily supplementing I felt one thousand times better, and after three months I was like a new woman.
Here are the brands I used:
1) Yeast-free liquid (Floradix) Iron
2) High potency liquid (Nutrition Care) Zinc
3) Capsules of 1000IU (Eagle) Vitamin D3
4) Ultra-Muscleze Powder (Bioceuticals) Magnesium
5) Powder (Musashi) L-Glutamine
Now if you can imagine:
Before taking the supplements, I even struggled to walk from the lounge room to the bathroom, as I felt so lethargic.
Within one month of daily supplementation, I had taken up swimming and was doing laps. And enjoying it!
Sex life also improved with my new found energy, and poor hubby didn’t know what hit him [/FONT]