Do you work only if your in FULL remission?

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Feb 10, 2012
I'm not in remission yet and no doctors will give me anything else to take WITH Lialda and it's been 4 months, but I've been sick for almost a year! I noticed my urgency has went down a little but I still have it and I still have some bathroom battles with the toilet that last 25-30 minutes NO exaggeration! The whole time I'll sit there and crap the WHOLE TIME, little nuggets or skinny feces! eww I know :( I still feel weak once in awhile and just uncomfortable and still have other symptoms. I no there's still no way I can work (I got fired last year because of my crohns diagnosis!!!!!!, lawyers said I had no case!!!!). When I get stressed about driving because of my crohns I have more diarrhea, when I know I'll be in a crowded area or a quiet room full of people my diarrhea acts up. I can't wait in line at the grocery store still. Have to go places WITH people I know because I still can't do anything on my own. Plus my bowels are VERY loud and it will sound like I'm farting when I'm not, I can feel and hear my feces DROP in my intestines as they make they're way through, Still get bloated and gassy a lot! Embarassing!

I still have the feeling to of not being able to complete a bowel movement! I'll go then know I'll have to go again 5 min later and I do. I'll feel gassy and I'll go and I actually do crap! :(
No, I work every day unless I can't get out of the bed

I'm on Remicade now and it seems to be helping - my 4th dose is coming up and I am slowly coming off Pred and I am still maintaining control so I'm in the best shape I've been in for a very long time

However, even at my worst, I went to work - have to keep my health insurance so there isn't a question of not working - I couldn't afford to be without my insurance
I can't afford to not work but I was fired because of my Crohns and I know it would happen again unless I went to another job once I'm in FULL remission. I've never had health insurance either.
I have never been in remission, but I've always held down a job, or three for that matter! It is very difficult to work when you do not feel well, but I've always managed to do it and sometimes it makes me feel better getting out of the house and having something else other than my ****** health to focus on.
I've worked through a severe flare (bathroom 15-20 times/day). It sucks, but I just push on. I work a desk job, though. It would be different if it was manual labor. I'm almost in remission now, but I still spend 30-60 minutes of my work day in the bathroom. They really can't say anything about me using the bathroom.
Going to the restroom nonstop was exactly the reason I was fired last time.........first time I've had Crohns too :( It was a DESK job :(
I was only diagnosed around Christmas time and am assuming i'm no where near remission, considering my tablets still haven't full kicked in yet.
I was in alot of pain last few weeks of the university term before christmas, but have continued with University 4 times a week and work twice a week through the start of the flare & diagnosis. Only missed 2 days of work (in retail) as in hospital one of the days and had a procedure the other.
I'm determined no matter how bad I feel not to miss any university, it's my final year and I really want to pass and not have to repeat, that's the only thing driving me out of bed in the morning at the moment
Yes I did work full time when I wasn't in remission. I worked at a fast food place where I stood and took orders and bussed tables all day. I told my bosses about it and even if they didn't like it, it was part of who I was and they couldn't fire me for it. I took frequent bathroom breaks even during lunch rush. All I had to do was signal a manager to take my place at my register.

Crohn's is considered a disability by the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) You cannot be fired for your disability and do have a case against the company for being fired for your disability. Don't speak to the lawyers from your company, always get your own.

Disabled people work all the time. We just need accommodations. Continue trying for disability (SSI or SSDI) but do your best to make ends meet even if you get hired and have to quit after a week or less each time. Either way its still money coming in.
I have worked at some kind of a job or another while flaring and in far as flaring...I would keep working until I was sick enough to be hospitalized.....yup... ~finally~ take the time to go to the doctor which would result in a direct-admit to the hospital for about a week to get things straightened out.....then I would go back to work -and like manzy, working multiple jobs, as bills need to be paid - ESPECIALLY the rent!
I'm just wondering who will hire me based on the fact I have seems a lot of people don't want to hire people with Crohns.
I'm just wondering who will hire me based on the fact I have seems a lot of people don't want to hire people with Crohns.

Unless specifically asked, I wouldn't tell them!...not sure you need to legally either.....

As for some possible options (at least to get some cash flow) -
I had one job that was only part time, AND I was able to make my own hours, as long as I didn't go over my part time hours.....I could go to work as early as, say 5am, or start as late as I wanted....this was working for a wholesale company stocking shelves at a chain department store.....even WITH the Crohns (and having to take time etc) I was offered a promotional position due to my work ethic and what I had been able to do at the stores I covered....which thankfully I turned down - thankful because the chain store (Caldor) went out of business within 6 months!
I'm thinking I WOULD have to tell them if I keep using the restroom right? If they see that I keep going wouldn't I have to? Or if they see that I can't go to other locations of the store etc?
I'm thinking I WOULD have to tell them if I keep using the restroom right?

Well you aren't required by law to tell them before they hire you and if you do notice your disability affecting your job performance then you can inform your boss and they will have to accommodate you. By law they cannot fire you.

Or if they see that I can't go to other locations of the store etc?

What do you mean by this? Also, depending on where you work, there aren't any other parts of the store. I don't understand this question.
I worked as much as I could from time of diagnosis in Dec 2009 until Nov 2011. I had some small leaves - 2 weeks here and there when things got to painful to manage. I have been off since Nov 2011 and am not going back until I am completely well. I have good benefits at work and am getting LTD for the amount of my take home monthly income so I do not have any financial concerns.
I haven't been in full remission for the last two years, and I've kept going to university, working through two degrees and kept two jobs. I once finished my end of semester law exams only to be hospitalised three days later for almost a month. I was running back and forward in the exams to the bathroom, but I still came out with a credit - was pretty proud of that one.
In the end all you can do is apply, work and do your best. You don't have to tell them about your condition and in the end if you end up losing the job: A - at least you tried and B - you might have gotten a little bit of money.
We all have to work through this condition as best we can, and in the end money is money. If you can work one or two shifts a week it can often make a huge difference in terms of your bank account as well as your health. I know that working often makes me feel better mentally, I feel useful and independent.
Just give it a go and do your best, it won't hurt to try and sometimes bosses can be more understanding than you might think (not always, but sometimes :)).
Well you aren't required by law to tell them before they hire you and if you do notice your disability affecting your job performance then you can inform your boss and they will have to accommodate you. By law they cannot fire you.

What do you mean by this? Also, depending on where you work, there aren't any other parts of the store. I don't understand this question.

What I meant by the last one was if I'd work somewhere and they'd want me to travel to a different location of the store......meaning one in a dif city then I couldn't do it, because it's hard enough to drive and concentrate on getting to the north section of my city and I only live downtown. Yeah my crohns acts up when I drive too :/
Then don't apply for jobs that you aren't capable pf doing. Gas prices are high enough as it is so not all of us can afford to drive around in the first place. Only apply to jobs that you know you can do. For instance, if you had a back injury, don't apply for jobs that require heavy lifting because you will injure yourself further. Apply for jobs that are within your limits and are closer to where you live so you wont have to commute as far (try ride sharing or other modes of transportation if possible if you find a job further from home).
Have you tried Bentyl- its for cramping and really works- sometimes I will take 1/2 pain pill and it gets me through. May not take all the pain away but I am ok with that as long as I dont feel like I am in the last stages of labor. Three kids and crohns def kicks my *** more than labor ever did!