Docs dont know about the drugs they prescribe TeD

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I know how it happens since my uncle worked for a poison center where they get people who are poisoned from drugs overdose and he knows how and he has plenty of stories of medication gone wrong.

Doctors get a pamflet and a 10 minute talk from a pharmaceutical representative, some are shortly after contacted if they want to help in trials and make some cash (this goes registered under research).

Here is a list of prominent european doctors and which ones are accpeting money and which are not:

I just snipped off the part of one as an example:



I doctors keep this up I'm going to end up making a list, with names, because you do not put your own interest in front of your patients.
Sketch as heck. Of course, IMO, the gov controls what they want us to see, so the FDA is only going to pub what they want us to see.

As for for the samples....with the price of meds, patients are usually always going to take free samples. It would be nice if they always had to follow up with the doc about their experiences with the sample (I don't think most docs ask for feedback on the sample meds they give out), and then it would be great if the doctor followed up with the accumulated patient's experiences, but these days the doctor is only allowed to spend a few minutes on each patient due to the insurance companies regulating them. Most probably won't spend the extra time reporting results, and even if they did, than we are right back the gov regulating what is going to be published, especially if they are government regulated trials. Again, that is my personal opinion.