I've only just registered, so I'm coming to this thread rather late, but you can add me to the list too!
I eat low-carb Palaeo, with plenty of coconut oil and, it doesn't matter if I eat 4 mini-meals a day, or 1 or 2 larger ones, I'm GUARANTEED to zonk out after. I've had my iron, vitamin D, B12 and T4 levels tested and they're all fine.
I'd like to point out to Vicki the vegan that her diet is as far from "flawless" as it's possible to be. In fact, other than fruitarianism, it's the unhealthiest way of eating one can possibly follow. It's as unhealthy as eating nothing but Twinkies and doughnuts all day!
Why...? It's simple - humans are omnivores and, as such, we can only assimilate certain nutrients - iron, and vitamins A and B12 - from animal products, our digestive systems simply don't contain the right enzymes to sufficiently break down plant material for its nutrition to be of any use to us. Anyone who's been vegan for more than 3 years is GUARANTEED to be anaemic so, Vicki, unless you're taking high-dose iron tablets (which, as a CD sufferer, isn't advisable as they're extremely constipating) then there's the reason for your exhaustion. So, as I see it, you've 2 options: - ask your doctor to script you iron - and risk constipation - or start being sensible and eating like we humans were made to eat - green plants, some fruits, and lots and lots of animal products - get a great big slab of grass-fed cow inside you, you'll feel better for it! Us Crohnies have a hard enough time obtaining the nutrition we need - why make it even harder on your body by adhering to such a nutrient-deficient diet...?! The optimum diet for a human is one comprised of around 75% fat, 20% protein and 5% carbs - a vegan diet is virtually all carbs (and - before anyone says anything - legumes are NOT an adequate protein source; they are - just like grains (and I suggest people quit eating ALL grains, not just wheat; they are chock-full of antinutrients (an antinutrient is a substance which prevents the body from assimilating nutrients) and lectins (lectins are mildly toxic substances plants produce to prevent themselves being consumed - and grains and legumes contain more than any other type of plant. Lectins in grains and legumes do great damage to the intestinal lining, in the same way that the tad in cigarettes damages the lining of the lungs, so quitting grains and legumes is as essential to optimum health as quitting smoking. That aside, we only began cultivating them 10,000 years ago and that's FAR too short a time span for our bodies to adapt.
A vegan diet is also guaranteed to be low in both saturated fat and cholesterol, meaning the liver has to work overtime to produce enough of the latter, eventually leading to liver failure.
Every cell in the body requires cholesterol; it's used in the production of haemoglobin and is essential for good reproductive health.
Saturated fat is essential for many processes, but particularly healthy brain function. So follow a vegan diet long-term and you'll end up with dementia as braincell require saturated fat to survive; unlike many cells in the body, you only get a finite number of braincells so, by not eating animal products (for whatever silly 'ethical' reason(s)) you're making yourself stupid. If you turn vegan at 15, you'll show signs of dementia at 40.
Being vegan under normal circumstances is ill-advised, to say the least - but to eat such a restrictive, nutrient-poor diet when one has a disease which means nutrient absorption is severely compromised, well that goes far beyond any fathomable level of stupidity!
In short, Vicki, you're making yourself about 100 times sicker than you would be if you were eating healthily (that is high-fat/low(ish) carb).
You've a stark choice to make here. Which matters more to you : - your principles - or your health...? Only you can decide that. If you - or anyone else - wants any more help, there are plenty of Palaeo blogs I can link to.
I apologise if the tone of this is harsh, but your post astounded me. The simple truth is that you have no energy BECAUSE you're vegan - it has nothing to do with the Crohn's (though, obviously, that doesn't help). Most vegans lack energy because they're eating such a nutritionally-poor diet.
(grain-free 10 years/low-carb Palaeo 8 years).