Does anyone else in your family have IBD?

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Aug 17, 2010
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
I haven't seen a thread like this yet and I'm curious how many other people on here have family members with IBD too?
My mom has Crohn's, and was diagnosed around age 20 I believe. She also has collaginous colitis (not so sure what it is) and some really severe food intolerances. Besides for her, nobody else in my family has any sort of stomach/bowel problems at all. I just have plain old Crohn's, but the similarities between her and I are pretty obvious.
I think the genetic thing is really interesting as far as IBD being inheritable.
So who else has IBD in their family?:ghug:
No one else in my family has any type of IBD, only me with the Crohn’s. However, many people in my family have other autoimmune disorders mostly rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.
My Grandfather and my father have Crohn's. Looking back, my Grandfather's Uncle most likely had it. He died at the age of 25 of a unknown disease of the intestines. I think they say his intestine ruptured and it killed him. That was back in the early 1900's and they didn't know much. My brother and I are undiagnosed, but have bowel problems. My sister has mild bowel problems. My husband's sister was diagnosed tow years ago, never met her, but apparently they say she had it as a child and went undiagnosed. My husband says no kids for us because he doesn't want to pass on the '******' disease! Lol, he is just teasing.
The only family connection for my son is fairly distant but it is there...

his grandmother's cousin has crohn's.
MY mother and sister as IBS and it's on both sides of my family, but, i am the only one with crohn's disease. best wishes
I'm 5th or 6th ( I think 6th don't remember lol ) generation Japanese-American..and I asked my parents if they knew of any family members or relatives close that have had Crohn's, IBD issues or any auto-immune diseases and nope..none..I seem to be the only one I know of.
My sister and I both have Crohn's. Mine is way more severe than hers - she says, but I think she is in denial about that.
no-one has diagnosed IBD but they've all had bowel complaints mainly diverticulitis and IBS. No autoimmune probs either in fact no real illnesses (bar a bit of madness!!)
I am the first to be diagnosed in my family. I found out recently that my younger brother has been suffering from the same symptoms I first had. Weight loss, Diarrhea and stomach pain and joint pain. He is going to see a doctor soon, I really hope he doesn't have Crohn's. My grandmother has colitis, but it has been deemed indeterminent. She has battled breast cancer and hip replacements galore. I'm not sure if her colitis is similar to anything I have but It seems like there is a few of us in my family that share similar problems. It really sucks.

I agree that its really crazy how IBD can be genetic. I'm guessing the IBD came from my mothers side of the family.

Praying for a cure!
My dad's brother has crohn's. He had it super severe when he was a kid and just recently has gone into remission due to a surgery. My Grandma's sister's son on my mom's side (that was a mouthful) also has crohn's. RA run in my mom's side of the family.

As far as I am aware it is just me and my cousin that have Crohns disease........she is older than me but diagnosed at roughly the same age!
I have crohn's and my mum has UC.

My maternal grandmother has IBS and my maternal granddad always had "bowel troubles"! Granddad's sister also has bowel problems.
IBD seems to have skipped a generation in our family, none of my siblings or cousins have anything like it but my mum was diagnosed UC when she was in her 50s and my Dad was diagnosed with UC only 2 years ago when he was 71 and now my son age 9 has crohns. No other member of our family (grandparents or great grandparents) has ever suffered with anything like it!

Treena x
My mum has ulcerative colitis, may grandma died of bowel cancer, my aunty has undiagnosed bowel problems, my cousin has meckles diverticulus and his daughter was born with a twisted bowel and now is suspected to have crohn's.
All on my mum's side as well.
Bad genes ahah
I an the only one with IBD in my family however my Nan had over active Thyroid and one if my first cousins hastily 1 diabetes... I think these are both auto immune diseases?
I have Crohn's and my daughter does . I also have a brother and sister with Crohn's and two cousins . A greatgrandmother lost two children to " Bloody Flux " in the late 1800's , according to a family Bible .
My cousin and I both have Crohn's. My brother told me that when he was at the doctor for a routine physical and told his doc his sister has Crohn's, the doc insisted on doing a rectal exam. LOL.
great grandmother had Crohns, uncle had Crohns (among many other medical problems), aunt has IBS, other aunt has IBS/Celiac -all on my dad's side. sister has IBS, and i have Crohns and Celiac!

it is definitely genetic. seriously makes me reconsider having children :/ but my kids could turn out with absolutely no problems..and my neices/nephews could end up with something. never know......
No... However my father had divaticultis my mother had irritable bowel syndrome and my aunty had celiac ... But now that I think about it... Because they were diagnosed so long ago... It is possible that all 3 had crohns!!!

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