Does anyone get pain over the belly button on the left?

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Nov 28, 2009
I am currently in a mini flare and am getting pain in my upper belly on the left. My Dr also said I have IBS so Im not sure is it IBS or Crohn's. The pain is near the ribs above the belly button.
Yes, I get that when the Crohn's flares in the ileum. It stays tender most of the time, don't like it when doctors press there, thats for sure.

Alot of doctors will say it's irritable bowel, but I found that when the Crohn's is under control, the pain goes away for the most part. The doctor prescribled Nortryptaline for it and it works great!
Thats exactly where my pain is!! For awhile now...around 8 months now on and off. I have also been diagnosed with IBS, but that was years ago...they now think its crohns...colonoscopy scheduled next week. I HATE this pain...I feel for you!! Be persistent in tests to make sure its nothing more than IBS!
I actually usually feel my pain on what I would consider the very bottom of my belly (almost near my leg) to the left of my belly button. Don't know if that makes sense, but I guess it is near/part of the ileum.

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