Does anyone have any weight loss tips?

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Apr 14, 2014
seeing how im over weight ( im almost 16 5'7 and 164lbs) and so are my friends we thought that we would start going to the gym 3 days out of a week after school and work out and try to get in shape and i was wondering if there are any weight loss tips anyone could tell me so i could maybe pass to my friends.
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"Abs are made in the kitchen" as the internet meme says.

The most important thing is to watch your calories. I find it all a bit fiddley, but apps like my fitness pal help a lot with calorie counting.

On top of that focus on cardio exercise; running, rowing, biking, skipping (jumping rope) etc etc.

Going to a gym 3 times a week isn't that effective if you are sitting all day and watching 5 hours of tv a night. Try and be more active generally. Cycle or walk places, things like that, as well as doing your gym sessions.

I think one of the best things to do is find a sport that will get you out of breath. If you go to a gym just to lose weight, you can rapidly become bored - The motivation is not always there. If you pick up a sport that you enjoy, you will be eager to go and practice and possibly stick with the hobby longer and then lose weight as a side effect.
I agree that generally being more active outside of the gym is a good practice to have, but 3 days in the gym is plenty for people starting out.

The best generic advice I have is to record and track your calories each day and also record your workouts. You can put this all in a single notebook or use an app if it suits you. This will make you accountable and allow you to see progress as it happens.

Also, if your friends are unreliable (and I would say with 99% certainty they will be) do not rely on them for motivation to make it to the gym eat clean etc. This responsibility is yours alone.
If going to the gym have a plan ready. Go onto and look at the plans there. There's also a phone app called Jefit which has ready made plans and is great to see what to do. I would say aim to go for 30mins to an hour. If you are not tired after this you aren't pushing yourself enough.

Don't push yourself too much as if its taking your 5days to recover that is 5days missing out of exercise. I would highly recommend getting a personal trainer for 30mins. Have them for 1 session, then use what they have told you. If needs be you can get another session in the future.

Look at your diet. I would suggest eating more veg and less bread (if possible with your crohns) I highly recommend juicing which can substitute a meal.

Just remember take it easy, this is a life style change not a fad diet. Don't be too harsh on yourself as we can can slip up and only do it if you enjoy it, there's plenty more things to do if you don't enjoy the gym (swimming, boxercise, aerobic classes)

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