Does being on Remicade mean trigger foods won't bother me?

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Aug 15, 2015
I just had my first Remicade infusion yesterday; it was a non-event (no bad reactions yet....knock on wood.....). If Remicade is good enough to put me in remission, does that mean I don't have to worry about avoiding salad and whole grains etc?
Well, I don't know what you've been told by your doctor/dietician/specialist nurse, but I was told right at the outset that there's no need to avoid any food at all when you're in remission...unless it gives you a problem.
Many people who don't have crohns avoid some foods because they cause indigestion, etc., so that's how I look at it. I find onions have a slight effect on my bowels but Im prepared to put up with it because I love them, same with chillies. I wouldn't eat either during a flare though.
Anyhow, that's my take on it 😉
Bunty x
Well, for me, I still had to avoid fruits, salads, whole grain, lactose etc.
Probably you should give your trigger foods a try, one after the other.
I went too fast ahead with trying (and did not want to realise that I was NOT able to digest the foods properly) and had to be put on prednisolone again, so be cautious and listen to your gut.
Crossing my fingers for you!
Remicade put me into remission and I ate whatever I liked. Hated avoiding"healthy" food while flaring because I really love salads, brown bread etc.