Does Crohns get you $$ from the government?

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Mar 27, 2012
Montreal, Canada
does Crohns get you $$ from the government?

Does anybody here receive any money from the government because you have crohn's?

Right after surgery, i tried applying, but the doc wouldnt sign my paper. how sick do i gotta be before i get cash from the government? or am i gonna end up living on the street?

"no one told me to write the letter, i didnt follow the regular path people take.. i didnt "fit in the lines" ... i also invested in apple when everyone told me not to back in the 90's and now im loaded... but thats another story.

The Doctor.
:) "

"no one told me to write the letter, i didnt follow the regular path people take.. i didnt "fit in the lines" ... i also invested in apple when everyone told me not to back in the 90's and now im loaded... but thats another story.

The Doctor.
:) "


ouch, using my own words against me. thats cruel.
The only money from the government I have ever gotten is my paycheck.....even at my worst and flaring, I still managed to hold down a job (at least one) - even though there were times I probably would have been better off not working and taking care of myself instead....but, a person has to eat and put a roof over their head!
I've always had at least one job the whole time I've been sick. You just do what you have to do to make it. I've not tried to get any money for it.
If it is prolonged and active, preventing you from working, you can get temporary disability. I had this for a couple years until it settled down for me. Couldn't get it for the last tax year though. Not sure if the Quebec gov`t has any programs or not.
I was fortunate enough to get disability the first go round. My dr did sign off on it, which pretty much seals the deal. I have tried going back to work, it never fails though and I always end up in worse shape that I originally started. Sometimes being on disabillity really bums me out bc I feel as if Im not being productive enough. Not to mention, I love what I do and the people I work with. I would give anything to be rid of this disease and to be able to lead a normal life. Why won't your dr fill out the paper work? I mean, what is his reasoning behind it? In my understanding, your dr is there to help you. The worst social security could say is no.
In the US you can apply for SSI (I receive SSI and do not work and was originally accepted as a child for having Crohn's disease) and SSDI but unfortunately I have no information for your area. :(
I get $600 a year for ostomy supplies from the Canadian government for having a permanent ostomy. They have no idea that that doesn't even come close to covering my costs...but that's another story....