Does everyone have diarrhea with crohn's?

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Jul 6, 2011
does everyone have diarrhea with crohn's?

is it normal to not have diarrhea with crohn's? I have had crohn's for 3 years now and i had diarrhea for 2 weeks all together...i have all the other symptoms except for that one is that normal?
lucky b@stards :)

It may seem we are lucky but you have no idea...nausea, vomiting, fever, severe pain, tearing when finally trying to go, oh and not to mention b/c I didn't have the big D no one bothered to look for Crohn's for years and that they finally did it has already caused severe damage.

There is no way to say one is better than/worse than the other...they are both terrible!

The grass isn't always greener....
Oh my god you have no idea what bad constipation is like!

I would rather have diarrhoea ANY DAY.

That feeling of trying to go to the toilet in the morning and the horrible full feeling and discomfort of a gurgling stomach all day.

It's the worse thing about my symptoms.
Hi all,

Sorry to hear of all your troubles. I was diagnosed when I was 16... no diarrhea whatsoever. Had another flare at 18 so bad I needed a resection, still no diarrhea. I was fine for 5.5 years and then all of a sudden had diarrhea 10+ times per day. It took me awhile to go see my gastro because I thought it was a stomach bug and not crohn's since I'd never had experience with the diarrhea part. Unfortunately things can change, but be thankful you're diarrhea-free. It caused me hemmorhoids, a fistula, and an abscess after almost 6 years of no problem other than minor inflammation.

Best of luck to all of you!

Hi there. I have had diarrhea mostly. A normal day is 6-8 bms, but I have had over 20 as well. Maybe 3 or 4 times I have experienced constipation and I have to say it has been the worst part about all this. The D actually often provides me with temporary relief. The pain and rumblings leading up to the D are awful, and I couldn't imagine not being able to go. My heart goes out to you. That's really awful. I hope you feel better soon.
I never had diarrhea either. The constipation for me was so bad that I hadn't gone for 8 days and burst my sigmoid colon and distended my bowel, resulting in a permanent colostomy. Mind you, the stoma has been the best thing about this disease for me...I'm currently in remission and off all meds. But the stuff the lead me here, sucked
I have c as well, It is bad nothing like gripping the tolite and just praying it comes out. (sorry to be so vivid) I dont even want to go into the bathroom for the pain during and after my poo poo
I've had the splats for a decade now, and when they're combined with stored up gas it's phenomenal.

For all the hassle, there are times when a massive squelchy explosion really releives the pressure. I come out of the toilet feeling like a new person (and in need of a new toilet).

The consistency of angel delight is the nearest I come to a normal poo
I have c as well, It is bad nothing like gripping the tolite and just praying it comes out. (sorry to be so vivid)

From straining on the toilet with C I have pulled muscles in my legs and bum so bad it hurts to walk the next day.

I agree, constipation is not something to be taken lightly.
that's pretty much my story as's gets so bad. I guess we are all different yet the same :(
I've got constipation too :/ I was wondering though, does it cause like major weight gain in anyone else? I'm eating less and at one point gained about 10 in one week! My stomach just swells and holds on to everything! Part of it is probably water weight, but considering it won't go away it couldn't be that much of water...
For me, the more constipated I get (I have constipated my enitre life) the more I feel an insanely strong urge to eat and eat to try and put enough in that it will finally force at least some out the other end but it just never seems to help yet I don't stop trying. I remember this even as a young teen. I think it was just all I knew to do but it sure isn't the thing that works. My constipation is due to my colon not working so everything just sits there no matter how hard I try to go. So, I have always gained weight when dealing with constipation bouts. Now, add prednisone and inactivity to that and things are just not so good.
My main symptom was not diarrhea when I was first diagnosed. After three surgeries for strictures and a completely narrowed terminal ileum, diarrhea is a major symptom. I also suffered from constipation and it is a gross feeling. You feel so sick and you just want things to move. CD is hideous either way, but I noticed that my first GI did not pay as much attention to me when I said I didn't have diarrhea. In the meantime, I was scarring inside from all of my lovely Crohn's ulcers.
diarreah is dependant on where your crohns is located. If it's located in the colon where water is usually absorbed than you will have watery diarreah since the inflammation doesn't allow for the absorption of water. Because of this you'll notice when you get your blood drawn that it's difficult to find your vein and the blood ozzes out slowly and has a more molasses type of appearance. This symbolizes dehydration.

If your crohns is located higher up in your digestive track you'll have other deficencies such of vitamin and mineral deficiencies because the inflammation doesn't allow for the absorption. You'll also find that in some cases if you have a stricture or very inflammed areas you'll be constipated because the poo will get stuck behind these areas and either get backed up enough to move through or get so backed up you begin to vomet feces.
I've had the C, with the D for my whole life. Being on pain killers for awhile now and for the first time ever I think I passed a mix between a 5 and a 6 on the bristol chart and I thought I was going to die! That's hard work! lol
I've mostly had diarrhea throughout my Chron's journey but do recall on very few occasions of being constipated. The feeling of being blocked up is treacherous; at least with diarrhoea there is an element of relief.
You mean I am not the only one with C gaining weight!!! Wooo Hooo!! I have been on Entocort for 5 months and have gained 30 lbs. I am NOT eating that much as I usually use
liquid meal replacements to keep my system happy.
My Crohn's is only in my colon. I do not have any D but am very often C. I don't have any of the issues with finding veins or consistency of blood either.

It sounds like this is another one of those Crohn's symptoms that can be a tricky one to figure out depending on the individual case...makes it such fun doesn't it...LOL! I guess C or D I should just be thankful to have easy blood draws ;-)

Oh to just have answers...any answers at all would be such help:(
I have C, my record is 28 days before I was manually evacuated! Does anybody else have trouble with doctors not believing that the C is a symptom of their Crohn's?! Mine refuse to accept that it is!
i have never had D from my crohn's or C from crohn's either. I have heartburn which was why went to a gi at all. i had other inflammatory symptoms (my eyes, mouth and joints). So far so good but i have been warned that it I am likely to have a tradtional crohn's flare and that all the nastyness that can happen to intestense are still like to happen since i did have sore and scar tissues
Ohhhhh. I guess that makes sense. I've always thought as "C" as crohns

Makes sense that C would be for Crohn's...I guess since Crohn's wasn't even in my vocabulary until 7 weeks ago I hadn't thought about it that way...I will have to rethink my use of the letter "C"...hehehehehe :ylol:
Lol well now you've got me thinking which one it is. I've never thought about it meaning constipation lol
I am not sure when the abbreviations became commen - everyone used them when I found this forum.

I guess we all just got tired of typing out the full words when we do talk/obsessively share our BM stories!!!

I haven't talked about poo so much since I was toilet training my kids!!
I am not sure when the abbreviations became commen - everyone used them when I found this forum.

I guess we all just got tired of typing out the full words when we do talk/obsessively share our BM stories!!!

I haven't talked about poo so much since I was toilet training my kids!!

I must say I love the Canadian use of the word "poo"! I lived up in Seattle years ago and picked up using "bum" from a woman I knew from Canada and used that with my kiddos when I had them. I always get strange looks now living in Texas using the word "bum"....LOL!
I must say I love the Canadian use of the word "poo"! I lived up in Seattle years ago and picked up using "bum" from a woman I knew from Canada and used that with my kiddos when I had them. I always get strange looks now living in Texas using the word "bum"....LOL!

I never realized this was a Canadian thing. Kind of like "pop" versus "soda" (soft dinks).
I struggle with constipation. Just a few months ago I was in the hospital because I hadn't had a bowel movment in 2 weeks. No matter what I tried. So I would give anything to have the other problem.
Ummm if you don't call it your "bum" what do you call it? LOL

When I was little my Mother always called it your "bottom" but there are lots of other options life...butt, tush, hynie, rump...and of course less polite options hopefully not used with kiddos.

When I heard "bum" being used by a mother with her child (I was not married or a mother at the time) I made a mental note of the word b/c it sounded so polite and kind so when I had my kiddos I used it.

It's so funny to notice all the differences between US/Can/UK, etc. I have lived as far north as Alaska, south as Texas, east as Michigan and even between those locations there are lots of differences.
"so polite" Yep that's us Canadians!! ;)

We wouldn't say **** if our mouths were full of it! LMAO (Sorry I'm coming off a sleep aid so this is probably WAAAY more funny to type than it actually is)
"so polite" Yep that's us Canadians!! ;)

We wouldn't say **** if our mouths were full of it! LMAO (Sorry I'm coming off a sleep aid so this is probably WAAAY more funny to type than it actually is)

Too funny...even w/o a sleep aid!
I had nothing but D for nearly a year. When I was diagnosed, I was living with mostly C. Sometimes I could only go once a week. Creepy! Since I started taking Pentasa my BM's are pretty awesome.

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