Does fever always accompany abscess?

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Dec 18, 2009
I have a lot of pain in my left butt cheek, which increases with bearing down for bowel movements, and extended time sitting. Reading other threads, i'm starting to wonder if this is an absess/fistula. I occasionally have a low-grade fever, but not always and never very high, so i'm wodering if it's possible to have absess without fever, or not?

Sorry, reading this it's kind of jumbled, hope it makes sense. :)
Oh Tam - I hope not!!! What meds are you on? Sometimes if you are immunosuppressed you won't run a fever like a normal person. And oddly enough - sometimes I run low grade temps (99) for no reason at all. I showed up to get one of my Remi treatments a few months ago and was running a low grade temp, but felt fine.

Either way - with what you are describing, I'd give a call to your doctor. If it is something like that forming - they are going to want to get you on at least some antibiotics at the minimum. Better to get on top of that right away so it doesn't get worse. I'm sorry, I hope that isn't what it is :(
nope, i'm not taking any immonusuppressants. I'm taking Nexium, buscopan, Celebrix, and something else started yesterday for IBS, can't remember the name.....i do get night sweats too.
I have mentioned it to my doctor, and to the Gi, but neither seem to concerned...My doc took a look, and said he saw nothing....However, he didn't do a rectal exam at all, so i don't know how he could say that...
Wow - thanks doc for doing a thorough exam!! Ok - is the pain right next to your, er eh - exit, :) or is it further out on your cheek? Maybe you just have a fissure or a hemorrhoid? They should be able to verify that by a rectal exam as well. I'd keep after them with it, mention it every time to see them until you get an answer. Till then, I'll just hope for a spontaneous healing ;)
I've had a lot of abscesses and I have never had fever with it. Also, it's been a long time that I haven't had an abscess with a hemorroid. I'm wondering from your description if you have a hemorroid and not an abscess. In either case you want to keep it clean so if you have a sitz bath use it. Try to clean yourself when you finish using the bathroom or whenever you are able to.
Hi Tam...I have an abscess that fills up all of the time and I never get a fever. It is adjacent to a fistula, so mine drains after it fills up though, which is why i think I don't get fevers. When it fills up, it feels like a hard you have any "lumps"? I hope it is not an abscess, but if it is, Cipro and Flagyl usually do a very good job of clearing things up, at least for a while. Best of luck with it.
It's deffinately a bit away from the 'exit', maybe halfway between it and 'mid-cheek' And i can't feel anything there, but when i poke at the area it deffinately hurts more

i just dont' know.....I typically like my doc., but maybe i just need to find a new one. But yeah, i'll just keep on them about it, and keep an eye on if it gets worse.
ARGH, the more i think about it, the more i think that is what it is. And i can't get in to see my doctor for another week.

I just realized, it stopped hurting as bad for a little over a week, and so i was really thinking it was just a pressure thing and that i needed to spend less time on my butt. But, i just put together that i was on a course of Cipro for a bladder infection. CRAP.
If the pain gets bad and i end up int he ER again before i can see my doc i'll deffinately make them check it out.

Would an absess show up on a CT scan? I had one about a week and a half ago and my Gi said it was clear...
Hi Pam, sorry to hear aboutt his confusing symptom!
As far as showing up on a CT scan, I think it depends on the size of the abcess. When I was admitted i had a CT scan that showed one abcess (about 2.5 cm), later, when I got an MRI there were actually THREE abscesses (others much smaller) and two fistula tracts that didn't show up on CT.
However, on a less scary note, I get butt cheek pain from time to tome, sometimes left, sometimes right, and it always goes away!
I had an abcsess for well over a year and never had a fever with it.
I could feel a hard bump that was softer around the outside. Maybe yours is more internal? If you catch it early enough, maybe it will heal up with antibiotics. I would definitely call again. Good luck.

Peaches said:
Wow - thanks doc for doing a thorough exam!!
Strangely, my GI has never once seen my bottom half in the office. He presses on my belly and asks me a million questions, but I've never undressed there unless he was doing a colonoscopy. All of my butt problems go to my colorectal surgeon. He has seen my butt about 50 times.
My Butt Hurts said:
Strangely, my GI has never once seen my bottom half in the office. He presses on my belly and asks me a million questions, but I've never undressed there unless he was doing a colonoscopy. All of my butt problems go to my colorectal surgeon. He has seen my butt about 50 times.

Ditto. I think he's afraid of my "you have to be knocked out if you want me to look at this. I'll just take your word for it and ship you off to the surgeon." :ybatty:
Ha....I could see that happening I guess? I had a fissure once and my GI just took a peek (or a feel I guess) in her office and diagnosed it right there. So, I just assumed they'd be willing to do that. Once again, appreciating my doc bunches.