Does red meat bother you?

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Does red meat bother you?

  • Yes

    Votes: 52 57.1%
  • No

    Votes: 30 33.0%
  • Other?

    Votes: 9 9.9%

  • Total voters
Jan 13, 2011
I've cut out the major players (gluten, dairy, corn, etc.). My doctor said nothing about red meat (he's a holistic doc, not a GI-my GI says diet doesn't matter). I've seen posts here and there about red meat. Is this a common aggravant in Crohn's? I may cry if I have to cut out my steaks.
I gave up red meat a couple of years ago. When I eat it again I do notice a difference, but its nothing major. Now I havn't eaten it for so long I don't really like it anymore!
Just tastes of blood to me! And I don't like the texture.
Sarah is vegan now but prior to that she couldn't eat red meat, just never sat well with her. Her 2nd cousin that also has CD can't tolerate red meat either. It doesn't seem to bother Matt though.

Dusty. :)
For a couple years after my surgery, I avoided red meat as much as possible. I did not have trouble with chicken or fish, but I would notice a bit more difficulty whenever I did have steak.

I heavily increased my red meat intake about 3 years after surgery and have not had a problem with red meat since (about 3 years). Most of my intake was ground beef, but I can now eat steak without problem.

I am not sure if my trouble with red meat was psychological or physical (either I needed a few years to be able to digest it properly again or I have heard that by not eating meat your body can lose the digestive juices necessary to break meat down) but regardless it is now gone.
Still one of the worst offenders for me, despite being able to tolerate other foods now that I couldn't when I first flared.
Red meat doesn't bother me but I rarely eat it. Love my filet mignon at the keg and never giving that up. ;)
I don't eat beef because usually it bothers me. Nothing serious, I just don't like how it makes me feel. But i do LOVE Buffalo. It's much lower in fat so I think that's why it doesn't bother me. I can't tell the difference in taste between buffalo and beef and have even passed a buffalo steak off on my friend without her knowing it.
I still can't eat a steak however I have started eating very small portions if I slice it super thin and stir fry it. Red meat is definetly hard to digest for me.
Some cuts I do think bother me more than others. Ground beef or more tender cuts of steak seem to be okay for me. The other day I had a couple pieces of a more tough round roast and was not feeling good the next day.
Red meat doesn't bother my son and he will usually have steak or a burger once a week.
I found that if I have a glass of red wine with the meat, I can tolerate it. However, not without it.
I voted "Other" because red meat does bother me, but it's at least partly my own fault. When I was about 14 I decided to give up eating red meat. I continued eating poultry and fish, but cut out beef and pork. Every few years I'd get a craving for a hamburger, and on the rare times that I would give in and try to eat one, I would get a horrible stomachache after a few bites, and the pain would last for days. Apparently, if you give up red meat for a long time, your body gets used to not eating it and stops producing the necessary enzymes needed to break down and digest red meat, or something like that anyway. I'm sure my IBD or whatever this is wouldn't be too fond of red meat either as even ground turkey sometimes gives me the cramps and the runs, but it is partly my own fault for not eating it enough.
Ever since my flare last summer I have a terrible fear of red meat, since it was sheer agony when I had a steak. Haven't eaten any red meat since and I'm okay with it! In fact, I'm practically a vegetarian, save for the occasional chicken type foods.
beef/pork bother me..but i did try a moose burger the other day,,and it was sooooo good. I felt a little crampy after, but not enough that i wouldn't try another one next month.. If i can have this for a once a month treat i'll take it.
Like Teresa - Beef & Pork upset me and I find them hard to digest although I do on occasions have some but usually suffer for it later with stomach cramps and bloatedness.
Grass fed read meats do not seem to upset my stomach. I tolerate those steaks well. Regular corn fed cows though can be somewhat of an issue for the grumpy gut and energy levels too. For what ever reason I feel a bit run down after eating a typical steak.
Works xmas dinner on Friday and it has taken me till this afternoon to recover!
Had the shrimp followed by turkey with veg & potatoes and xmas pud! Oh well the boss was paying!
Didn't feel too bad at the time - just a bit bloated as did everyone else. I felt terrible all day Saturday and most of today with sore stomach and really sore joints which I find strange. Maybe the few beers and red wine to blame. Glad I didn't have the steak although it did look very nice.

Self inflicted so knowbody to blame exept myself. Price to pay for a good night out which was good though.:poo:
I have no problem, but usually stick to the loin-cuts and rounds. Also the leaner the better.
Ground beef is ok but steak can be a problem depending on the cut. I buy steak at Save-On that I tolerate well because it is very tender.
Well, I've been logging my food and symptoms for a couple weeks and it appears that red meat does have a negative effect on me. :(
Yup. Steak, hamburger and other fatty meats just tear me up. Even before I was diagnosed now that I'm older my folks are admitting that they saw as a child that I knew these things weren't good for me.
I'm going to change my answer about beef! Originally I said grass fed beef didn't seem to be a problem. Now, I'm not so sure. It appears that beef is an issue for me. Of late I've been filling out a food journal. I write down nearly everything I eat. And with that will write notes on the side on how I feel at the time. I've tested beef a few times now, testing in this case is where I'll be sure to eat a meal or two with beef in it. I've found a consistent result from this. For the first few days on the beef diet I'm fine. And then after a few days of eating this way will develop an ear ache, slight sore throat, will sometimes bleed from the skin around my finger nails oddly, become sluggish and tired, and by around the 8th day develop a severe upset stomach. I'm surprised, as I've considered beef a fairly safe food of late. I've tested beef a couple times now with the same result.

I guess I shouldn't be terribly surprised if beef is a problem food for me. I've know since I was a teenager that cows milk caused problems. Drinking milk, even a small amount, will cause me discomfort. Milk makes me feel overly cold and even turn blueish in color, with a feeling of sluggishness/tired, and confusion for a day. Fermented cheese doesn't seem to be as much of a problem, but have known that cheese makes me feel run down.

So in the end maybe I wasn't made to consume or be around cows. With that said, even with the beef testing results, I'm still questioning this. Might have to test it again some times in the future to make for sure. Going to give my body a break though.

Life would be easier if I had been born with an instruction booklet!
It has been years since I even tried it, but whenever I did it was never good. I stick to fish or poultry.
Okay, I'm seem to be in the minority here: I eat steak quite often with no problems but ground beef is a no no for me. I love, love, love pork but it doesn't sit well. The fatty aspect of pork I think does me in.
Hi SandyM,
It is very weird, and I love, love, love, turkey! I first noticed it when I would eat chicken, I would always feel like I ate a lead ball covered in spikes, then thanksgiving came this year and I was already not doing the best so I kept my plate simple with things I knew I could eat and then there was the turkey..... And there came the lead ball covered in spikes! I would take poultry over red meat any day!
Ugh! Turkey hurts me too! I always thought it was the gravy that I smothered it with but I discovered this year not so. Strange tummies!
It doesn't bother me and I love it. In fact I just ate a hamburger.

But with qualifications.

No oil of any kind on the meat or grill while cooking. Preferably I cook it myself to be sure.

Chew thoroughly.

No more than 6 oz in a single serving. Cut that 16 oz steak in three pieces or else I am going to be horizontal for a while.
Is thier any body out there that can not tolerate red meat but can tolerate elk meat

I ate a HUGE Elk burger while in Montana recently. Aside from being bothered by the Elk grazing in the field across from me, the burger didn't bother me in the slightest. In fact, it was excellent! I loved the dense texture of it.
Apparently, if you give up red meat for a long time, your body gets used to not eating it and stops producing the necessary enzymes needed to break down and digest red meat....

I stopped eating red meat a couple of months ago when I started flaring, then as I was feeling a bit better the other day, I had some ground beef and pasta, but suffered terribly badly for it that night. So my question is, how do I go about re-introducing it to my diet successfully when I want to? Does it mean I have to suffer the pain till I get used to it again?

Any ideas?
Is thier any body out there that can not tolerate red meat but can tolerate elk meat

Often times people will find that red meat bothers them and wild meats such as deer, elk, and buffalo don't bother them at all.

I think it is because these wild meats are from animals who are lean and strong while cows sit in a stall their whole lives and barely if ever get some exercise. This causes a much higher percentage of fat in the meat of cows in comparison to the wild lean meats of elk, deer or buffalo.. etc etc.

What can I say, red meat gives me wings!

Does not seem to bother my gut, good for energy and lifts my mood.

But I seem to be the exception.

Things change so I intend to eat as much of it as I can before the rest of the plumbing comes out!
Some cuts bother me but I've stayed away from it for 2 years now. As soon as I gave it up, I lost about 10 pounds and felt great. Also, between then and now I only had 2 flare ups with the most recent(11/11) causing me to be admitted in the hospital. It has made a world of difference to me.
I stopped eating red meat a couple of months ago when I started flaring, then as I was feeling a bit better the other day, I had some ground beef and pasta, but suffered terribly badly for it that night. So my question is, how do I go about re-introducing it to my diet successfully when I want to? Does it mean I have to suffer the pain till I get used to it again?

Any ideas?

Sounds like you should avoid it. Besides, removing red meat from your diet is healthier, regardless if you have Crohn's or not.
I actually crave red meat. I eat loads of meat and veg, very little dairy but a lot of sugar. If I don't , weight just falls off! Also without meat I am permanently hungry. Thus proving there are no rules to crohns lol!!!
I don't like eating red meat. I eat some chicken now and then though.
Red meat and pork were one of the first things I gave up, followed a few years later by chicken. I'm still pretty particular about seafood too, usually I stick to raw when it comes to that. I've always wanted to try deer, I hear it could be a good substitute.
If I accidently eat anything with meat in it that within half an hour I get the stomach cramps. the sweats, my whole body burns up and then all my insides turn to liquid and I end up sitting on the toilet for at least an hour whilst my body expels everything. It starts off normally but by the 4th or 5th time it is just liquid and I cant get off the toilet until my stomach is empty.

As soon as I try the cramps start and I have to lower myself back down

It is the same every time.

As I was only diagnosed two weeks ago I am only connecting the dots now as to why I have such a violent reaction to red meat, white meat and poultry.

I gave it up in 1990 as I just felt so ill eating it and now if I accidently get served it in a restaurant then believe me I know within half an hour and that restaurant or takeaway goes off the list.

I am ok with fish and I am pescatarian but I dont eat shellfish for religious reasons so I have no idea if that affects me as well.

The reaction is truly violent and I cannot hold anything in at all and the cramps and sweats are unbelievable. I have to strip in the toilet as the sweat rolls off me that much

I do get slower reactions but not sure yet what the triggers are, I think one might be soft cheese and the other full fat greek yoghurt but I am not sure as I just thought over the years I had a 'delicate' stomach

I have just copied this from another thread to save repeating it but yes red meat and white meat severely affects me
The exact same thing happens to me. I also went years without eating meat thinking I had IBS before I was eventually diagnosed after more and more foods began to bother me.