Does this sound like Crohn's or something else?

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Aug 21, 2013
Hi, wonder if you can help. My story started 2 years ago after a large thigh abscess when my pain symptoms were severe pain and constipation/obstruction. My bowel stopped working and after numerous CT,MRI,pillcam and colonoscopies etc they said my tests were inconclusive. Ulcers in terminal ileum and small intestine and calprotectin at 300. But would like to wait and see.

I was put on Resolor for the constipation and had to see the GI in a year as all seemed better. At first, everything was fine for a few months but then it seems like I have had spells of so many symptoms.
It started with bad rectal bad it was dripping into toilet. Pain in lower right side again and toilet visits increased to sometimes 6-12 times a day (normally 1-2 times/day) and quite a lot of diarrhoea. At first I thought it may be the new medication.

After that, I had really bad tummy pain(especially a few hours after eating), bad bloating and again increased visits to toilet. Very embarrassingly I started having 'leakage' from rectum, very low bad back pain and also have had multiple perianal abscesses too...they seem to be continual.
I had a few weeks when things got better but now its starting up again. I see the GI doc in June but wonder if it's worth asking him about food allergy?
I cut back bread, started drinking Actimel and saw my GP a few months ago. He said the 'new pain' which is middle above navel is a new symptom and he thinks further down the gut than my also doesn't feel like acid, just bad pain and bloating. He gave me Colofac too but not a great deal of difference.
Sorry for going on but want to get myself feeling better and so much going on, I'm getting despondent and a bit confused.:sign0085:
Thanks for reading this,
What kind of food allergy do you think it could be? Have you been tested for coeliac? (I guess you probably have as you've had a lot of tests.)

To be honest this sounds like something that's going to take more than Actimel to treat effectively. I think you need to make clear to the GI all the symptoms you're experiencing so he/she can see if tests now provide more conclusive information. Sometimes it's difficult to work out exactly what type of IBD someone has, or, for example, the cause of your ulcers. But even without a clear diagnosis it should be treatable.

I'm sorry I can't be of more help. Some of your symptoms are quite serious (bleeding and diarrhoea that severe), you really need an expert to tell you what's going on. Is your next appointment going to be with a doctor you've seen before?
Hi and thanks for your reply.
I was wondering if perhaps gluten but to be honest, even cutting bread/pasta down isn't making much difference. I'm just getting frustrated feeling ill a lot of the time.
I wondered if the new medication caused problems but its different spells of different symptoms all the time.
My GI consultant said it was 'apthous ulcers' on colonoscopy and pillcam should a couple of small intestinal ulcers. Also said my calprotectin was a bit high. I think it will be the same doctor I see in June and he has been very understanding and thorough. Most of these symptoms I'm having though, he doesn't know about - it was severe back, lower right abdo pain and constipation that I had at the start of my problems and all other symptoms have started since I saw him last year.
Thank you again,

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