Does weather affect Crohn's Disease

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I noticed that when its hot out my crohns acts up a lot more. I know others that get the complete opposite and flare-up when it is cold...When I told my doctor this he said it wasn't that common so I was wondering if anyone else noticed that their "bouts" changed with the weather.
Im not sure, I was pretty consistant with mine for about 10 years (just a constant flare), but over the last 2 years, with all the drugs I was trying, and the side effects I was worse during the summer, but I think that was just the fact I was getting MTX needles once a week, and it took me months to get used to it..and it never worked for my CD... Im feeling great this summer! but I thank Remicade for that. so Im absolutely no help here. lol
I really am to new into my disease to know if any time of year really impacts it differently. I have heard that a variety of different types of weather impacts some, while some have no effect.
I'd say spring. I notice my scar aches in the fall/spring. I really can't remember how it went when I was little. But spring seems to be my bad time. It's a shame I love that time of year.
April/May I have probs. Still messin me up a bit currently. Also Nov/Dec sometimes. There is def a connection, but I don't know enough environmental pathological etc stuff to figure it out :(
Mine is summer, and around October for some reason. Im always hospitalized in october or in may. No clue why.
well when it does happen is most common in the change of weather mostly winter to summer but its not every time
I havent really noticed any change as far as seasons go. In general I dont tollerate heat, so I feel better when its cool. But I dont think that is really crohns related.

I have heard many others say either cold/heat makes them worse. Perhaps if I ever get off this multi year flare I could tell if it changes :p
I live in Florida and it is usually not. In the summer months it is UNBEARABLE. I don't really know if the nausea I get is realted to the heat or the Crohn's.
I was told that the doc sees more flares and hospitalizations in the spring and fall. He didn't understand why, and other GI's say the same thing.

I myself see my flares in spring, summer, winter and fall. Worse in the fall tho...but I have been in a constant flare since 2003.

I agree Donna, I was at my worst in the summer, which is strange because some of us would flare up in the fall/spring.
I do not get that but I do get severe joint pain and a pain on my shin bones from injuries. I got kicked so many times playing soccer in my shins that I have had tiny fractures on them but now they have healed but still I have pain. I get right shoulder pain from last year playing v-ball and subluxing it 8 times in 5 days. I have many other problems but that is not what the post was about sorry.

I can understand summer for a lot of people - we tend to be more sensitive to water balance, and summer really plays havoc with it. Some of the meds, and surgeries too, can heighten that. For me though, I was always really bad in the depths of winter. The fact that I did see some improvement with vitamin D sort of suggests that lack of sunlight was an issue with mine.
My symptoms seem to worsen when it's raining - particularly when it starts raining after a period of no rain. Once the rain settles in my symptoms settle down, it's the onset of the rain that brings the symptoms. I have wondered if this is related to inflammation - doesn't a change in barometric pressure exacerbate arthritis symptoms? I wonder if this can affect other types of inflammation. ???
I had one doctor several years ago that told me that my flares seemed to occur during the early part of the year when things are still cool.