Don't Take The Girl.

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May 8, 2010
I have a good friend that I work with and she is wicked crazy about Tim McGraw, (((sigh))). Of course I have heard his songs over and over again courtesy of the CD player in the office but today, for some reason, I think I heard the lyrics for the very first time and they really hit a chord.

I think we can all relate to these words and it sure as hell was the way I felt 5 years ago when I sat looking at Sarah in ICU, holding the only piece of hand I could find that wasn't swathed in tape and bandages. The tubes and machines seemed to engulf her and the surgeon stood there shaking his head in disbelief at what he had seen...

And Johnny hit his knees
And there he prayed
"Take the very breath you gave me
Take the heart from my chest"

"I'll gladly take her place if you'll let me
Make this my last request
Take me out of this world
God, please don't take the girl"

Dusty. :hug:
Those words made me cry, Dusty. Huge, huge hugs and hope you never have to be in that situation again. Xxxxxxxx xxxxx
Aww, Dusty!! See, there are redeeming qualities to country music! I'd bet ol' Tim has a lot of philosophy you'd agree with...I'm gonna live where the green grass grows...I went sky-diving, I went Rocky Mountain climbing....

It may be trite but it's poetry from the heart:)
Dusty I'm wicked crazy about YOU. :heart: Thanks for sharing!!!!!!!!!!!

I knew exactly what you were talking about - just by the title of your post.......may we all never have to deal with this (again)...but all remember we are here for each other too...
Thanks for being such a wonderful support and inspiration for me. You have shown me kindness and I so appreciate it. I am here if you ever need to chat or even just a cyber hug.
I thank god everyday that I have this disease and not one of my kids. I cannot imagine what this does to your heart having two kids with it.
You are always so upbeat and positive in your posts and I enjoy reading them.
Warm wishes

Tammi :)

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