Dr suggested a diet I don't know if I feel comfortable with

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Dec 3, 2010
Since I have been on a new medication I have been able to put on weight for the first time properly in 3 years. I am starting to feel uncomfortable with the way I look even though people always tell me I am fine. I know I am not over weight as my bmi is still within the healthy weight range but my dr suggested doing the lighter life diet. From what I have read this is for people who are overweight and I don't know if I would feel comfortable starving myself as I have been through enough of that with flares.
It just doesn't feel healthy to me replacing meals with shakes, soups and bars just to lose weight.
I have tried other diets but have struggled to lose any weight at all has anyone know of any sensible but effective diets. I eat healthily anyway but just want to get rid of the little bit of belly I've gotten recently. Never thought I would write something like this always struggled gaining weight, never know how this disease is going to affect your life lol. I have also started doing boot camp 3 times a week which I really enjoy and I am joining a running club on Monday (while my joints will let me run) I am doing everything to be more active eat healthily and drinking loads of water.
Anyone in a similar situation of going into remmision and dieting?
Thank you x
Did he explain why he wanted you to go on this diet?

There are a lot of people on this forum who are on a diet (SCD & enteral come to mind)

If you want to lose weight then I find any exercise that increases the heart rate quite a bit helps the best.

Is your belly actual fat or is it just bloating, as not amount of exercise will help that
Thanks for replying

I went to the dr as i have been having other health issues and just brought up that I had been really struggling losing weight even though I am doing more excercise than I have ever done in my life and sticking to a healthy diet. First she mentioned pills and I said no as I dont believe that to be a good way to lose weight and then this diet. I really don't know why she said both of these as they are usualy for obese and I'm not even overweight, I just want to lose a little bit just for me.
I thought doing more cardio might do something thats why I am joining the running club as I need the motivation of other people around me to do it, I can't just go out for a jog on my own. Also I have been doing this bootcamp which is brilliant and that is a mixture of excercises for a month now and I am noticing that I am building muscle but not losing the fat bit.

I guess it could be bloating aswell as i do get very uncomfortable especially in the evening.
Thanks again for replying and my long winded response I am just finding it a bit frustrating as I have gone from one to the other.
I find it very surprising that a doctor would mention diet pills if your weight is in the normal range. I would be weary of that one!
I think if you have improved your exercise and are eating healthily, I wouldn't worry too much about the weight. Like you have said this illness is very unpredictable you never know when you might get unwell and it all drops off again.
Also something to bear in mind, you say you are gaining muscle but not losing fat. What is your weight doing while this is happening? Increasing or staying the same? Muscle weighs more than fat so some people do find that when they start exercising they actually put on weight. But they could still have reduced their percentage body fat which means they are healthier.
If your weight is staying the same that to me would suggest you are losing fat and gaining muscle.
The only way you can really tell this for sure is to measure your body composition, there are some machines which can do this which are like special weighing scales which put a small electrical current through your body. If you are really interested in finding this out, maybe ask your doctor if they have one.
I am experiencing something similar enough, I have been quite thin for years due to crohns, however I was not underweight and since I struggled with my weight as a child, it was actually quite nice to look thin for once. When I got diagnosed (only last year) I was put on prednisolone and have since gained about 10lbs which I am struggling to lose. I have only been off the medication for about a month and my appetite hasn't quite gone back to normal and I find myself binging on chocolate on quite a regular basis which has not helped my waistline. however, in my opinion I did quite well while on steroids and did not gain too much weight and am hoping to lose the 10lbs I gained. These are things I do to keep my weight under control now:

1. Yoga- I am not an athletic person but yoga suits me very well and helps relieve stress which can also contribute to weight gain (try vinyasa flow yoga to get a cardio aswell as toning workout)

2. Meal planning- when I am being good on my diet I plan my meals for the next day in the evening time. it is very important to write them down I find or else I won't stick to them.

3. Helix slim- http://www.evergreen.ie/a--vogel-helix-slim/p-303304pd.aspx you can get this in health shops and it reduces sugar cravings I find.

4. www.susanjanemurray.com- full of super healthy recipes that taste fantastic!

5. good fats- keep up your intake of good fats in things like nuts, fish and coconut oil, they actually DO help you keep weight off!

6. Green tea- stimulates metabolism, only by a small percentage but if you switch your morning and/or your mid afternoon coffee/tea with green tea it will add up! also, it prevents you adding creamer to your drink which will cut calories

let me know if any of this was helpful!
When you're already within a normal weight range its much harder to lose more weight. Since you've only been doing the boot camp for a month and haven't even started the running club and are already eating healthy I would just simply give it all more time. Results don't come quickly when you only have 10 or less pounds to shed. May take 6 months or longer even. I'd just stick with it and wait it out. You're doing just fine. :)
Thank you everyone it's so good to have the support I am deffinatley going to stick at it my thoughts are if I get as healthy as possible now then if I flare again I might not get so sick and if the drs want to do surgery I am in the best physical condition.
I love green tea have recently started drinking it as I heard it can help boost metabolism I like it with peppermint yum.
I'm starting to get my partner on board with the healthy living as well so hopefully this will make it a lot easier.

Little miss valentine I was shocked when she suggested diet pills as well as I thought that was for people who are obese lost a but of faith in her after the suggestions. I don't want to put anything like that into my body as I don't want to risk triggering a flare.

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