Hey, quick background about me.
I suffered from Crohn's for 11 years, I am currently on azathoriprine (sp?). I'd say right now, I probably am at the strongest point in my life since being diagnosed with Crohns. I'm 24, and thankfully for about the last year, I've had no drama with Crohns.
However I am here for a little advice.
I went for a job interview today, for my dream job to work abroad, as an Administrator with a travelling company. My concern is not with the interview, it's already done and dusted.
However during the interview, they mentioned that you will be driving from hotel to hotel, meeting guests, keeping them happy etc.
Which is kind of the part I have a bit of a problem with.
I'm fine to drive, here and there, but the fact I'd be doing it 5 days a week, was a little...challenging to me. It wasn't the fact of the driving that would be the issue, I spoke to the guy their about it, and he said some days it may be a car pool. Meaning I might not be driving, and more importantly, I'm not in control of the situation.
I've spent the last year or so, pushing my comfort zone, to prepare myself for this job.
However when I'm nervous, I need to go to the toilet a lot. I had a 3 hour assessment day today, and I went to the toilet 4 times, because of nerves.
Other days, I may not even go to the toilet in the space of 3 hours. These are rare days I should add.
In myself right now, I feel fine. I know it's a completely different situation, when I'm nervous.
I'd like some advice on what some of you would do in this situation?
I'm happy to reach out my comfort zone, in order to beat crohns, and give myself a better quantity of life, but I fear this may be too far for me...
I suffered from Crohn's for 11 years, I am currently on azathoriprine (sp?). I'd say right now, I probably am at the strongest point in my life since being diagnosed with Crohns. I'm 24, and thankfully for about the last year, I've had no drama with Crohns.
However I am here for a little advice.
I went for a job interview today, for my dream job to work abroad, as an Administrator with a travelling company. My concern is not with the interview, it's already done and dusted.
However during the interview, they mentioned that you will be driving from hotel to hotel, meeting guests, keeping them happy etc.
Which is kind of the part I have a bit of a problem with.
I'm fine to drive, here and there, but the fact I'd be doing it 5 days a week, was a little...challenging to me. It wasn't the fact of the driving that would be the issue, I spoke to the guy their about it, and he said some days it may be a car pool. Meaning I might not be driving, and more importantly, I'm not in control of the situation.
I've spent the last year or so, pushing my comfort zone, to prepare myself for this job.
However when I'm nervous, I need to go to the toilet a lot. I had a 3 hour assessment day today, and I went to the toilet 4 times, because of nerves.
Other days, I may not even go to the toilet in the space of 3 hours. These are rare days I should add.
In myself right now, I feel fine. I know it's a completely different situation, when I'm nervous.
I'd like some advice on what some of you would do in this situation?
I'm happy to reach out my comfort zone, in order to beat crohns, and give myself a better quantity of life, but I fear this may be too far for me...