Dry Eyes & Eye Pain - Preds

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Jun 24, 2015
Is it normal to have extremely dry eyes, blurred vision and mild eye pain while on 15-20mg of prednisolone?

I have taken this drug before and had the same side effect within 2 weeks of use. My GI refused to believe the preds caused and referred me to an eye specialist. They found I have high eye pressure and extreme dry eyes.
Pred is known to increase eye pressure and puts most at risk for glaucoma which is why ibd folks need to see a ophthalmologist regularly especially when on steroids
Dry eyes can occur with crohns
Ds has dry mucus membranes including his eyes (sicca syndrome )
He was given restasis and uses that daily
My vision has definitely been a bit blurry since I've been on pred. It's gotten a bit better as I've tapered down (I'm down to 10 mg now and it's not too noticeable now, whereas it was bothering me quite a bit when I was on higher doses - I started at 40 mg). I haven't had dry eyes but I've had a very dry mouth. The fun side effects we get to deal with!
My vision has definitely been a bit blurry since I've been on pred. It's gotten a bit better as I've tapered down (I'm down to 10 mg now and it's not too noticeable now, whereas it was bothering me quite a bit when I was on higher doses - I started at 40 mg). I haven't had dry eyes but I've had a very dry mouth. The fun side effects we get to deal with!

I find my vision gets worse as I taper. Headaches the second I wake up, dry eyes and puffy eyes. I recently changed my glasses and it feels like I am in need of stronger prescription.

I am on 15g now. Dropping 5mg a week right now. I get irritated when in lectures when I can't see what the professors are presenting. :(
Hi Kancer, I am on your exact same taper! 15mgs currently and down 5mg per week. No eye pain though. I would get it looked at right away by an Ophthalmologist. Some of these Crohn's extra intestinal manifestations get progressively worse, like Iritis/Uveitis, and you want to get it controlled ASAP.
Hi Kancer, I am on your exact same taper! 15mgs currently and down 5mg per week. No eye pain though. I would get it looked at right away by an Ophthalmologist. Some of these Crohn's extra intestinal manifestations get progressively worse, like Iritis/Uveitis, and you want to get it controlled ASAP.

I won't be having an appointment with an Ophthalmologist till December. I am going to try rescheduling the appointment. Could I have eye pain from steroids? My eyes are extremely tired and dry from the second I get out of bed in the morning.
My husband had an allergic to 6mp and was hospitalised for a week and it was while he was there that he first started getting sharp pains in his eye. The second time it happened he was was experiencing an allergic reaction to penicillin and had such severe eye pain that he was rushed to the eye and ear hospital and diagnosed with acute angle closure glaucoma. After they got his pressure down with drugs he had laser surgery to drill two small holes in both eyes (took seconds) to prevent it happening again. He recently had another allergic reaction to Humira this time and back to hospital again with eye pain. Not sure what was causing the pain this time as our local hospital wasn't able to measure his pressure. But I sure wish the doctors were more educated about this problem and weren't so quick to deny any drug involvement.
I have dry eyes and dry mouth. My GP said that Prednisone works all over your body.
Dry eyes, redness and very sensitive skin around the eyes are very common problems today. I was also taking prednisolone and was experiencing the same side effects. I decided to see an ophthalmologist immediately and he advised me to use vasoconstrictor eye drops. He advised me to try sodium hyaluronate powder for dry skin around the eyes. I ordered it from the hyaluronic acid powder website and all my side effects went away within a week. So I recommend seeing an ophthalmologist or reducing your prednisolone dose.
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