Dunno what to do (financial, fiance should quit job etc)

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Jan 9, 2010
My fiance recently got another job after not working since early Jan. this year. He was forced to quit his previous job because customers over the phone would make fun of his stutter and would yell at him on a daily basis for it and his supervisor didn't do anything about it because they said it wouldn't be fair to the other employees (he could have answered all questions through live chat instead of the phone). So one day after being tormented he started vomiting from all the stress at work and passed out in front of the toilet injuring his shoulder as he fell. A doctor wrote him out of work for a while until the doc figured he just wanted pain meds and decided to write him back to work. So he quit.

Since then he's discovered that he has a bulging disk from when we moved back here almost a year ago (his back went out during the move) but the doctor says that he doesn't need surgery (different doc) but that it will take a long time to heal. He's been using his savings to pay for rent, bills and food etc. but that's run out and he's been applying for jobs for 2 months now (no jobs that have to do with answering phone calls because of before) and finally got a job but its a stocking job. He has to lift boxes and bend and lift for hours on end. Yesterday he came home vomiting from the pain and didn't move the rest of the day. Today he hasn't moved but no vomiting yet he only worked a half day today.

He said that he wants to go to the ER. Again. We were just there a few days ago for his dizzy spells and anxiety. He wants to get pain pills cause his back hurts a lot. I told him that that's fine but I want him to quit his new job (he's only worked for 2 days). He said he wont quit because he doesn't want to become homeless. So I said, "so its better to get injured and collapse at work and not be able to work anymore and become homeless?" He isn't physically capable to handle this job and its only going to get worse. How do I convince him to quit?

He's already applied for SSD (pending), SSI (pending), unemployment (denied, appeal pending) and food stamps (approved). There's a way to get financial assistance for rent but you have to basically have almost no money and you can only do it for one month so we're safe for another month at least but no one is hiring. I've applied for government housing but that's a long waiting list (up to a year or more) and I haven't even gotten an approval letter yet cause he wasn't working at the time we applied. I don't know what to do.

His family thinks he's always overreacting. Apparently they think coming home and vomiting for a while and not being able to move for the rest of the day is normal. I understand the whole "there's always something wrong with you" business cause I deal with that too but its putting a strain on me because I can't help him, I don't even know how to help myself. I feel like I'm starting to say insensitive things to him because I'm just getting frustrated. The only income I get is the SSI but I could lose that at any time. He needs some sort of income but this job isn't going to work. How do I convince him to quit and that its not worth it? Am I wrong some how? He's decided not to go to the ER btw. He probably thinks that I think he just wants pain pills, which I do because that's all they can do in this case and write him out of work for a few days but that's not going to solve the problem. He should still quit and go ahead and get the pain pills cause they aren't the issue here.
Aw, Crabby, haven't really got any advice, just wanted to sympathise. It's such a vicious circle, the job-stress-no job- stress scenario. I would want him to quit too before he does any permanent damage to himself.
In the UK I would advise someone to go to Citizens' Advice who help people with issues like this. Do you have anything like that over there?
Hey Crabby, sorry to hear about your plight. And, yes, the fiance definitely needs to stop the lifting job.
How about a 2nd opinion on the disc? I had a fragmented one between L4 and 5 and they fixed it laprascopically. No problems since. However, not sure how that will work on problems higher up the spine.
He said he's not against a second opinion BUT (there's always a but and I'm getting tired of his butt) he doesn't think they will do anything plus doesn't know which doctor he should see. I told him to just see the next available doc and he said ok so now we have to wait till tomorrow just to make an appointment but dunno how long we have to wait for the actual appointment and he could potentially hurt himself in the meantime.

@ Grumbletum- Dunno if we have exactly that. We have social services, the employment development department and the social security office. We've been to all of them and they don't seem to be helping much if at all.
What about looking into one of those advocacy programs on the ccfa.org website? Some of them don't just cater to people with Crohn's, but with other medical problems too. Could be worth a look into at least.

I don't know how it all works out, but what about disability? Is that an option? I agree, it doesn't make sense for him to work a job that requires lifting when he's got an injured back. It's a ticking time bomb for injuring himself even worse. Did he pick that job because it was the only thing he could find, or is he looking for higher paying jobs? I know it's not the ideal place to work, but places like McDonald's are always hiring.

I can't imagine what it feel like to be in your shoes. I would feel frustrated and irritated as well. I'll be thinking about you! Hope things get figured out soon. :)
I'll check out the ccfa, thanks. He's already applied for disability and its pending. He applied to fast food places around here but none called back. This was the only place he could find and he needed an income. I keep looking for jobs for him that are mainly sit down and where he wont be on the phone all day. I've gotten tired of doing work for him cause it makes me feel like his mom.
Hmm...if he likes animals, maybe he could look into some veterinarians and see if they need kennel assistants or something. Or a groomer. Petsmart even? Any local hospitals/restaurants offer valet services? He could be a valet. I'm trying to think outside of the box, since I'm sure you've exhausted all of the obvious choices. :)

I know around here too they have parking attendants who sit in the little booths. Or car washes that have attendants...
The local animal shelter was hiring an assistant but you had to be comfortable with assisting in putting animals down. Neither of us could do that plus its too far anyway. We don't have a car so the job search is extremely limited unfortunately. I told him to just start calling up businesses or stopping by with resumes in hand and ask if they are hiring. But with his social anxiety I can't see him doing that plus he said he doesn't want to cause that's not how its done. Whatever... He had a hard enough time walking into this deli that had a help wanted sign and asking for an application. He said he wasn't dressed well enough and asked ME to walk in and get it. I told him no. I'm not gonna feed into that **** nor baby his ass. He better start dressing right just in case we walk by another place. Sometimes he just doesn't think.

I don't know what to do with him now. He broke his finger while we were playing catch with the football at the beach on the 4th. So we went to the ER again, he got an x-ray and now his finger is in a splint. I swear he's made of glass and is just the most accident prone person I've EVER met. How the **** is he supposed to lift **** now?
Holy moly. You're right. It IS as if he is made of glass. He needs to stop injuring himself!

I can understand how difficult it is to be limited by not having a car. My sister has struggled a lot with that. :( I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. I'll try to think of some more job ideas...

I keep telling him I'm gonna buy the first wheel chair I see at a garage sale just in case. :p

He's calling the doctor's office right now to get a second opinion on his back to see if he needs surgery, to try and get physical therapy if no surgery is needed and to talk about disability for now. He's calling so late cause the maintenance guys have been here for hours fixing our water heater that leaked all over our kitchen floor and soaked all our towels. I swear if there isn't something wrong with me or my fiance its this stupid apartment.

Thank you Marisa. :)
Crabby, I'm sorry to hear about all of this. If I remember correctly, you posted a little while ago that you were thinking about moving to another state soon because there are more jobs and cheaper housing in another state? If nothing else pans out for your fiance job-wise, is that still an option for you two?
Crabbers, what a crummy time for you two. In Canada, people who are unemployed can often (sometimes?) get assistance with retraining such as going to college or an approved job training program. Funds or training can even be available for people interested in starting a new business -- they'll teach you how to write a business plan and everything (I know someone who has done this successfully). Maybe this is something that is also available in the U.S.?

Keeping you two in my thoughts.
@ Entchen- I know its available to people who already receive assistance like SSI and SSD but I'm not aware of anything like that for other people. Even my therapist didn't know of anything like that for people who don't already get assistance. :(

@ Cat- I dunno. The reason why we put a stop to the whole thing is cause of my mom and how mentally unstable she was after my grandpa had his massive stroke. There was a huge fight with her parents (who she was caring for 24/7) and she left. Suddenly she stopped answering the phone and would never call me back and I hear that she's mentally unstable and talking about death all the time and when I finally saw her again she had lost a lot of weight and hair. :( I mentioned to her that we might have to leave the state before I knew how bad she was and she wasn't quite able to handle it at the time. Now I'm not so sure but I'd like to give it a little more time if possible cause honestly I don't really want to leave this area. He does but I don't.

Edit: He just got some forms to fill out in the mail today for either SSI or SSD or both (not sure) so we'll get those filled out in the next few days and send it off as soon as we're done. One has to be filled out by a third party and I don't know if I can do it or if he should get a lawyer to do it or what.
This is all so sad.:( Keep on plugging away -- you're clearly an experienced problem solver and you will get this worked out. So hard when the least help seems available to those who need it most. You'd think governments (not only US -- Canadian and I'm sure other gov'ts have their downfalls in this area, too) would recognize that it's better for all involved (and cheaper!!!!) to help someone pay for a 6 or 12 month program (or 2 or 4 years) and find a satisfying career that doesn't ruin their health versus basically encouraging the person to go on long-term disability or something similar (doesn't living on SSI basically put a person at the poverty line?) and THEN, maybe, offering education assistance. Knock 'em down and then they can have a hand up. Brilliant.
This makes mad. The american government's budget for military in 2010 was 685 BILLION dollars. Yet, they can't afford to give someone who obviously can't work disability. That's ******.
Indeed it is a bunch of bull.

So now guess what? He hurt his back at work from lifting things he shouldn't. Now he's dealing with some sort of workman's comp but we both don't know how that works. His doctor wrote him out till Monday and said he could come back but only to light duty. His boss said they have no light duty for him so he just isn't scheduled at all for work. Does that mean he wont get paid at all until he gets better? That's some ******** right there.

We sent in the final paperwork for his disability papers today and he has a hearing next month for Unemployment from quitting his last job. So those are still pending a decision.

He did however get a call tonight from Game Stop and will have a group interview tomorrow morning at 10am. There's no lifting or not much anyway, with that job and he seems interested in working there plus it may be full time instead of part time. So he's nervous yet looking forward to possibly working there. I honestly hope he gets it cause he can easily do light duty there.

Wish us luck! Crabby's life is pretty crappy right about now. :p
How'd it go with everything? How did the interview at Gamestop go? I hope things start looking up for you and your fiance soon!
He said he did well during the group interview but called and they said that they were going to be doing group interviews all week (this week) and they had 9 people during his interview and they do interviews twice a day which means he's up against A LOT of people. So dunno if he'll get it or not. So far everything is still in limbo.

I'm seeing my GP tomorrow to get my B12 shot and to see if I can get an MRI on my back cause the numbness in my back hasn't gone away and is only spreading. I hurt it back in February while lifting my grandpa after his stroke. It should have gotten better or at least a little better by now. The doc wrote me for physical therapy a while back but I didn't go cause I've had physical therapy for my back before and know the exercises and have been doing them on my own since I hurt it. Seemed like a waste of time to go. The X-ray looked ok he said but with a slight narrowing at one part that he didn't think was a problem. But as I type right now my upper back is going numb again. I can't sit or stand for long periods without it happening.
... I'm not gonna feed into that **** nor baby his ass. He better start dressing right just in case we walk by another place. Sometimes he just doesn't think.

I don't know what to do with him now. He broke his finger while we were playing catch with the football at the beach on the 4th. So we went to the ER again, he got an x-ray and now his finger is in a splint. I swear he's made of glass and is just the most accident prone person I've EVER met. How the **** is he supposed to lift **** now?

I have to apologize, as I gotta tell you honestly, this kinda made me laugh (in a "gotta-laugh-otherwise-I'd-cry" kind of way).... First of all 'cause I have this pic in my head of Crabby and her "tough-love" face - hard to describe - but total kudos to you for not doing everything for him - sometimes the first step to dealing with a problem is admitting you have one - and your fiance sounds like the type of person that maybe needs to - like you say - think for himself a bit. I gotta give you credit though, cause I know I like to "baby" my hubby too when I see him having a hard time dealing with things like work or life - sometimes they need a poke to make them see how they are acting, kind of a throw-it-in-their-face type of thing like asking them "What would you tell me to do if I were the one in this situation?..."

Secondly - I don't know alot about bulging discs - but I can imagine that it probably hurts like the dickens! For a doctor to just say "Surgery not required; just go home and let it heal" seems a bit off. I think a "bulging" disc is where the cartilage and stuff around the spine and what not is kind of inflammed? If this is so, would some kind of anti-inflammatory help while healing? (or maybe he is already on such a thing).

As for work, wow, the poor boy does have some issues as I can imagine it would be hard to find the right kind of work while having physical AND anxiety issues.... I am not sure how they work, but is there some kind of home based selling/working-on-the-internet kind of thing? (I have no idea how to research this...maybe someone else has some ideas??

Either way, definitely feeling for ya and hoping SOMETHING non-crappy happens in Crabby's house soon........

Squishy hugs xxx
@ Silver - He does go to one online site where you make a couple cents to dollars everyday but he only makes about $30 a week doing that. Dunno if there are any other sites he could go to. All I know is that he's been wasting a lot of time playing a computer game and watching TV. If you can sit on the computer for that long then you can put some time into looking for another job but I know he's also dealing with depression right now as well. He's started taking something for it but I don't think its working so well if at all yet and its been a couple weeks (we both started on something for depression). We both go in for an eval in less than 2 weeks.

On the possible plus side his dad said that he found a vehicle that he might be willing to purchase for us but he isn't sure if he wants to buy it yet and plus he said he's gonna drive it here cause he hasn't been on a road trip in a while. His dad lives in South Carolina and we live in California. BRILLIANT! Well if its broken down when it gets here we can just sell it for rent money. :p Again though, still don't know if or when its going to happen. Having a working vehicle again would help him in his job search cause Game Stop did ask if he'd be willing to work in another city. He had to say no cause he doesn't have a car. We'll see.