Early/preventative treatment?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Sep 13, 2012
Orange County, CA
Hello- first time on/posting on here; appreciative of the resource. My experience with crohns began with my brother, who first showed symptoms in his 20s. The worst part of his disease was the failure to properly diagnose the crohns, trying to treat several other problems diseases, while he was wasting away with massive weight loss over one summer. I was younger; but I believe once the Crohn's was identified, treatment wasn't that bad, and effective.

I was treated (for colitis) once (and not until) in my 30s. And then several years later, was actually diagnosed with the crohns. Fortunately, my "bouts", once identified, have been treated quickly and effectively with a short (week long?) dosage of prednazone. My biggest frustration has been seeing doctors, telling them of my history (I've moved around a lot), but still having to waste weeks while they run through all of the same early tests/diagnoses over again, to include colonoscopies, blood work, etc.; all the while I watch the symptoms worsen.

SO: I can perceive the onset of another recurrence of crohns presently. while, I'm obviously concerned that past treatments may not work, or this episode may be worse than previous; I'm mostly not looking forward to having to "start the process over" with yet another doctor. I have very mild symptoms currently, but I know what's coming. My question: any recommendations for immediate/early treatment/prevention in the earliest stages of the symptoms (starting to have cramping after eating, diarrhea, small amounts of blood starting to show in my feces)? Obviously, I know I'll have to find a new doctor in my area; but I'd like to action NOW....

Thanks in advance for any suggestions/advice offered. Glad the forum exists-
While many dispute that it has any effect, I truly believe that diet has a great contributing factor to disease and health issues. Eat and drink only pure foods, chew it extremely well, get yourself on eating schedule, exercise regularly (even a 30 min walk a day will greatly benefit you) and get adequate rest.

Be good to yourself...healthy in, healthy out!
Have ur previous doctors send the existing paper work. The faster u treat it the less mild your symptoms will be. It's like a broken leg. You keep walking on it and it will only take longer to heal. Treat it before it gets worse.
I agree with Mickey, diet and exercise are the best preventatives. I am allergic to sulfa drugs and do not tolerate steroids well, so have learned to control Crohn's with diet and exercise. I'm allergic to beef and chicken, so I mostly eat fish. I stay on a gluten/soy/lactose free diet as well. When I feel an episode coming on I get as much exercise possible. Good luck to you!

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