
Crohn's Disease Forum

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Dec 3, 2014
It seems like when it comes to crohns, I'm my own worst enemy. Lately i have been having pretty severe flare ups , and it seems to not matter what i eat . Im exhausted 24/7, no motivation, in pain , and often hungry because i dont know what to eat. I looked online. And it seems like everything is a no no.

I know crohns effects everyone differently , but some ideas would help. I was diagnoised almost a yearago and in my opinion its slowly getting flare ups are worse, odten leave me drained by the time the pain finally goes away and they happen closer together . Since i was 15 my health has slowly declined (im 21). I dont know what to do:sign0085:

Hi Skylar.

Are you receiving maitinance medication to control your crohn's?
Welcome Skylar

Sorry you are having such a rough time.I was diagnosed around a year ago as well.Have you checked out the diet,fitness and supplement section? There is also a support group for crohnies your age.When was the last time you had a complete blood panel done?
Skylar, I drink Ensure a lot when things are bad, and the wife makes soups and scoops out all the good things I like and lets me have broth.

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