Hi Catzav,
So sorry that you've had such a bad flare! I hope the humira kicks in soon and you will begin to feel much better! Glad you've found this forum - you'll find a wealth of information and very knowledge members always willing to share their experiences and support.
My son did enteral nutrition and, after his six weeks, this was the food reintro diet he ws given. It was broken down into stages, with each stage to last 3-5 days (or as tolerated).
1. White foods (low fibre/residue) - white bread (any type), pasta, plain crackers, plain cereal (no milk), etc. He was allowed a tiny bit of toppings (ie butter, low fat cream cheese, etc.)
2. proteins - any type but we stuck mainly with eggs, chicken and fish
3. soft fruits/veggies - no skins, seeds or membranes (the skin around orange segments)
4. low fat dairy
5. All else as tolerated. For 'questionable' foods like beans, steak, etc. I gave him a bit the first time and, if all went well, more the next time, etc.
He was told to always avoid seeds, nuts (smooth peanut butter is fine, just not pieces of nuts), popcorn and minimize fruit/veggie skins (although many people eat fruits/veggies with no problem???). As much as possible, he avoids seeds (ie buns with sesame seeds, berries, strained tomato sauce at home, etc.) but he has had pizza which has contained some seeds in the sauce and this small amount hasn't caused a problem...
You may find additional information under the Treatment forum - Enteral Nutrition subforum.
Good luck, hope you're feeling better soon!