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Aug 15, 2012
I have had crohn's since i was 18 and have just had the worst flare up ever had a 17 day stay in hospital on GI ward with absolutly no idea how to look after me. I was unable to eat or drink for pain and spasams with no drip or fluids for 4 days. I then started the humira 3 days before leaving hospital and have both my follow up injections delayed by 3 days and 5 days. this coincided with the reintrocuction of food as i am also on elementel had done me 4 four weeks all going well then pains and runs again i also am waiting for a bile salt malabsorbsion test . i only weigh 6st 8lb and my dietian says i can restart food in two weeks again as i have done 6 weeks already. any tips on what to start with loflex book is very basic.
Hi Catzav,

So sorry that you've had such a bad flare! I hope the humira kicks in soon and you will begin to feel much better! Glad you've found this forum - you'll find a wealth of information and very knowledge members always willing to share their experiences and support. :)

My son did enteral nutrition and, after his six weeks, this was the food reintro diet he ws given. It was broken down into stages, with each stage to last 3-5 days (or as tolerated).

1. White foods (low fibre/residue) - white bread (any type), pasta, plain crackers, plain cereal (no milk), etc. He was allowed a tiny bit of toppings (ie butter, low fat cream cheese, etc.)

2. proteins - any type but we stuck mainly with eggs, chicken and fish

3. soft fruits/veggies - no skins, seeds or membranes (the skin around orange segments)

4. low fat dairy

5. All else as tolerated. For 'questionable' foods like beans, steak, etc. I gave him a bit the first time and, if all went well, more the next time, etc.

He was told to always avoid seeds, nuts (smooth peanut butter is fine, just not pieces of nuts), popcorn and minimize fruit/veggie skins (although many people eat fruits/veggies with no problem???). As much as possible, he avoids seeds (ie buns with sesame seeds, berries, strained tomato sauce at home, etc.) but he has had pizza which has contained some seeds in the sauce and this small amount hasn't caused a problem...

You may find additional information under the Treatment forum - Enteral Nutrition subforum.

Good luck, hope you're feeling better soon!
Hi Catzav and welcome!

I think everything was covered pretty darn well above but I wanted to welcome you to the community.

I hope you start feeling better soon!

All my best to you.
Hi guys started to reintroduce food on tuesdays started with mushroom rissotto all made from fresh tollerated well also tried soya yoguart rice cakes boiled rice and fish and chicken. due may humiria on monday and pred went down to one on friday felt like rubbish. increased toliet visits and i can't drive or walk with joint pain and fatigue. sent of DLA forms and have a meeting telephone meeting with occ health, doc given another four week sick note and wage stops this month been hold with job centre really getting me down as i have no energy to look after my son and me . really getting depressed now . is anyone else on humiria and is this something you have found symptoms returning when next dose due this will third self-injection so had 8 weeks on it so far but feeling much better. does anyone know if chippais are ok on lofflex diet?
Hi Catzav,no chapatati's are not allowed as they are made from wheat ,have you tried brown rice pasta from tesco's its good and tastes like pasta also if you ask the dietician they might have some print outs of more recipe ideas. If you want something sweet you could try melting some honey and mixing with rice krispies and putting into cup cake trays to set ,theses are sticky but yummmy !
If they dont have any printouts I will see if I can dig out the ones they gave me.
Stick with it as its worth it.

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