Hi everyone.
I don't want to rehash my whole story so I will try and narrow it down. I started having intestinal issues about 4 years ago or so( cannot remember exactly when). My symptoms were basically awful pain and cramping in my intestines. My stools however were completely normal. I had tests done ( MRE small bowel, blood work, CT scan, colonoscopy) all of which were normal. I had ups and downs where my intestines would feel ok some days and then not ok others. Well fast forward to this past July6th, I woke up and had a bout of watery diarrhea. Just once in the morning. I usually go once a day( sometimes feel like I have to go all the time though)but I feel crampy and icky all day and sit with heating pad. Well since July 6th, I have not had a normal bowel movement. I still go usually once a day, but now it is always soft and icky. It is usually either in pieces or like pudding consistency and always messy. I use literally half to whole role of TP to get clean. I then shower afterwards to prevent UTI's which I am very prone to.
Anyhow, my GI doctor keeps thinking IBS due to all my tests coming back normal before. I had my regular doctor just recently do a stool test for different things( parasites, bacteria, C-diff, calprotectin levels). All was normal except for the calprotectin level. I just asked the nurse today and she said my level was 348.5 where the normal reference range should have been anything less than 162. This obviously has me worried.
I see my GI doctor Wednesday and will bring a copy of this with me. I am not sure what he is going to say about it. I was taking a medication before I had that bout of diarrhea on July 6th called Uribel. It is for urinary pain( I have IC as well). This uirbel does contain a Saliscylate( NSAID). I was only taking a very small amount, but was on it since January( not every day, just on and off)
Like I would take one capsule a day for seven days and then lay off for a couple weeks etc. Well I had been on 1/2 capsule which is super low dose for over two weeks straight when I got the July6th diarrhea episode and have not felt good since. Could this have raised my calprotectin levels? I know that Calprotectin indicates inflammation in the intestines. I remember my GI testing for it a few years back and it was normal at that time. I remember him saying there are different things that can cause it to elevate. What are your thoughts on this? Does this indicate that I definitely have Crohns or UC of some sort, or can other things elevate this level?? Also, is mine considered really high at 348.5 when it says normal is anything under 162??? I am obviously worried and concerned and not sure what to think. I am certain my GI doc will not be overly concerned. Any suggestions or advice or thoughts are greatly appreciated.
I don't want to rehash my whole story so I will try and narrow it down. I started having intestinal issues about 4 years ago or so( cannot remember exactly when). My symptoms were basically awful pain and cramping in my intestines. My stools however were completely normal. I had tests done ( MRE small bowel, blood work, CT scan, colonoscopy) all of which were normal. I had ups and downs where my intestines would feel ok some days and then not ok others. Well fast forward to this past July6th, I woke up and had a bout of watery diarrhea. Just once in the morning. I usually go once a day( sometimes feel like I have to go all the time though)but I feel crampy and icky all day and sit with heating pad. Well since July 6th, I have not had a normal bowel movement. I still go usually once a day, but now it is always soft and icky. It is usually either in pieces or like pudding consistency and always messy. I use literally half to whole role of TP to get clean. I then shower afterwards to prevent UTI's which I am very prone to.
Anyhow, my GI doctor keeps thinking IBS due to all my tests coming back normal before. I had my regular doctor just recently do a stool test for different things( parasites, bacteria, C-diff, calprotectin levels). All was normal except for the calprotectin level. I just asked the nurse today and she said my level was 348.5 where the normal reference range should have been anything less than 162. This obviously has me worried.
I see my GI doctor Wednesday and will bring a copy of this with me. I am not sure what he is going to say about it. I was taking a medication before I had that bout of diarrhea on July 6th called Uribel. It is for urinary pain( I have IC as well). This uirbel does contain a Saliscylate( NSAID). I was only taking a very small amount, but was on it since January( not every day, just on and off)
Like I would take one capsule a day for seven days and then lay off for a couple weeks etc. Well I had been on 1/2 capsule which is super low dose for over two weeks straight when I got the July6th diarrhea episode and have not felt good since. Could this have raised my calprotectin levels? I know that Calprotectin indicates inflammation in the intestines. I remember my GI testing for it a few years back and it was normal at that time. I remember him saying there are different things that can cause it to elevate. What are your thoughts on this? Does this indicate that I definitely have Crohns or UC of some sort, or can other things elevate this level?? Also, is mine considered really high at 348.5 when it says normal is anything under 162??? I am obviously worried and concerned and not sure what to think. I am certain my GI doc will not be overly concerned. Any suggestions or advice or thoughts are greatly appreciated.